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the pads are the only thing you should change in terms of mechanical and biological filtration, and thats only when its falling apart... if you're asking about carbon or any other chemical filtration, that depends on the application you're using it for
I think you can get a lot of use outta pads. As mfd pointed out it really depends on the application your using your filter for but I've had the same (I call it a bio sponge) filter pad for over a year. When it gets to be about every two weeks ill look at it and see how dirty it is. Sometimes its every two weeks and sometimes its not, but I atleast look. When it gets dirty just remove some tank water ( water) swish it around in there till all the gunk is gone and put it back. They'll last a long time. Like over a year long in my case.
ok thx but i only do water changes onece a month but i want to do them ever 2 weeks. The reson that i don't is because my dad says it isn't needed i have a 29 gal tall with a sump which is about like 10 gal more with 2-shrimp 2-clowns 1-nem 1-six line rasse 2-blue hippos