Where can I find some Malaysian Trumpet Snails?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 29, 2006
I was told I should get some of these snails to help turn over my sand and it could help the water in my tank is this true? also I cant find them at any fish stores
MTS will turnover the sand in your tank, that's why they are so great. But as far as helping the water in your tank, I don't know what you mean by that.
They probably meant that by aerating the substrate anerobic gas pockets won't build up, which could cause problems in the water. Probably a layman's way of explaining over and over and OVER again at a LFS. As for where you can get them, I got mine from a forum member in the barter/trade forum. I think you need 50 posts or something to use that section but I could be wrong.

I hear they multiply very quickly. I just got about 10 a week ago, but since they spend most of the time in the substrate I can only ever find 1 or 2 at most (they supposedly come out at night but I have yet to verify). I hope they multiply quickly since my 20gallon tank has 2-3" of PFS and I can see some algae (darker spots) growing down in the substrate..

Goodluck on your hunt (it took me several weeks of searching to find someone who had them),

I also heard they multiply fast and how many is too man
Well frankly you won't have a choice. They will multiply to the amount of space and amount of food present in the tank. As for how many to buy? If you believe the very fast reproduction rate, I would then say very few (maybe 3-5). This way even if a few die for unknown reasons, you will still have enough to multiply.

Personally I needed to get these guys going quickly in my tank so I got 10-12 of them. I would have preferred more, but hopefully in the next couple of weeks I'll have increased the numbers a couple-fold (25-50?).
They multiply fast if there are excess nutrients. If the tank is well maintained, the snail population should not get out of hand and if they do, there are ways to correct it. I used to have a ton, but during our last move, it was a tad too cold for the snails. In the past I have shipped some out for the cost of shipping, ask in the Barter/Trade forum and you should find someone with a few extra snails!
i think they can soften water (a really small bit) because they take calcium out of the water for their shells. it was more noticable with some huge snails i had awhile back, but theres usually a ton of them.

they can also (possibly) lower ammonia levels since they eat the leftover food, so less ammonia comes out.
Well, they might be reducing the total ammonia amount. If they are using ANY of the nutrients in the food waste (even just for metabolic activity) they will be producing less waste than would have been made by the rotting of the food. You can never get all the energy back (in this case ammonia waste) than you started with (food waste).

Now the amount that its lessened is a debatable topic. Either way I'd much rather have the snails eat the uneaten food and produce ammonia, than some other unwanted bacteria/critter that could possibly harm the tank.

Funny though, I spent a good 5 minutes yesterday afternoon and could not find a SINGLE one in my tank. Normally with just a quick scan 1 or 2 would be half exposed, but yesterday nothing.... I'm a bit worried, I did a 25% PWC with gravel vac and forgot to check the waste water for snails (its spring so instead of going down the toilet I now put it in the yard on some flowers). Hope I didn't suck one of the buggers up!
I found some today at some fish store and they told me they didnt have any and I showed that they did have them and they told me those ones are not for sale and that they are also illegal to sell them has anyone ever heard this before?
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