Where did it come from?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 10, 2013
So, I found this baby snail today, randomly out of nowhere and kind of wondering where is came from. I have 2 mystery snails but never saw an egg sack, and I DO look for them. The last plant I got was over a month ago...could it have been a hitchhiker from that long ago? Would it have taken that long for the egg to hatch and get the size it is now? Or is it possible it is a lone mystery snail baby. The only reason why I care is I don't want pond snails...ever, but I would keep a mystery snail.

I have to say it looks like a pond snail to me. and it could of arrived undetected over a month ago easily. I had an outbreak of pond snails in one of my tanks which actually wasnt hard to stem the problem. Then one day i opened my filter box to find one in there 6months after i thought i eradicated them from the tank. They will stay small when there isnt much food and i believe they can reproduce with themselves so can become a problem quite easily. I actually miss them alittle but with pond snails theres no medium, its a tank full or none. They can be thinned out but i had nothing that i could feed them to and couldnt keep throwing them out like a concentration camp for pond snails so they all had to go.
Eck. That's what I was dreading you would say. I plan to destroy it ASAP. I definately have no interest in pond snails.
Hate to say this but usually when you find there are more you haven't found. One way to test that theory is to get a glass jar and lay it sideways on the substrate and put an algae wafer or shrimp pellet in the back of the jar. Then wait. It usually won't take long for the snails to smell the food and come running. Once you get some in the jar just stand the jar upright, remove from water, and dispose of snails. Then put the jar and food back in the tank.
No love for pond snails... Their population really only explodes when you are feeding too much. Other than that they are scavengers that eat extra food that gets missed by the fish. Imho they definitely aren't as bad as they are made out to be.

Although if you really want to get rid of them explosives seem to do the trick very well.
No love for pond snails... Their population really only explodes when you are feeding too much. Other than that they are scavengers that eat extra food that gets missed by the fish. Imho they definitely aren't as bad as they are made out to be.

Although if you really want to get rid of them explosives seem to do the trick very well.

Lol, explosives and a salt shaker to boot.
Hate to say this but usually when you find there are more you haven't found. One way to test that theory is to get a glass jar and lay it sideways on the substrate and put an algae wafer or shrimp pellet in the back of the jar. Then wait. It usually won't take long for the snails to smell the food and come running. Once you get some in the jar just stand the jar upright, remove from water, and dispose of snails. Then put the jar and food back in the tank.

Yea, unfortunately I figured they're kind of like the roaches of the aquarium world...
Lol...I've got some fireworks left over from July 4th!
By the way, this one buries it's self in my sand...is that something pond snails do?
No love for pond snails... Their population really only explodes when you are feeding too much. Other than that they are scavengers that eat extra food that gets missed by the fish. Imho they definitely aren't as bad as they are made out to be.

Although if you really want to get rid of them explosives seem to do the trick very well.

I get really upset when i listen to people here talking about killing snails. I have snails of all types and enjoy them all. They don't harm your tank instead they provide a piece of a healthy environment by cleaning leftovers from fish and natural decaying plant matter. I too have and breed mystery snails and to be honest the so called "pest" snails do a much better job of actually sustaining a healthy tank. If you don't want a population explosion don't overfeed. Just my two cents.
I get really upset when i listen to people here talking about killing snails. I have snails of all types and enjoy them all. They don't harm your tank instead they provide a piece of a healthy environment by cleaning leftovers from fish and natural decaying plant matter. I too have and breed mystery snails and to be honest the so called "pest" snails do a much better job of actually sustaining a healthy tank. If you don't want a population explosion don't overfeed. Just my two cents.

They are snails. Mush them against the glass and the fish will eat the soft parts. Not wasteful andnit gets rid of the snails. Some people dont want any snails and I can understand that.
Snails have their place and while I won't openly squish them as there is nothing worse than that crunching sound to me I have found there are many ways to naturally control them by having loaches, puffers (in their own tanks), and assassin snails.
I get really upset when i listen to people here talking about killing snails. I have snails of all types and enjoy them all. They don't harm your tank instead they provide a piece of a healthy environment by cleaning leftovers from fish and natural decaying plant matter. I too have and breed mystery snails and to be honest the so called "pest" snails do a much better job of actually sustaining a healthy tank. If you don't want a population explosion don't overfeed. Just my two cents.

First of all, the explosives was a joke...secondly I would never just smush snails, and third , I don't have mystery snails for cleaning purposes I have them because I actually like them and I think they are entertaining. My tank does not have an algae issue and there is never left per food to be eaten so I don't need cleaner snails. I prefer not to have pond snails because they just aren't as cute as mystery snails to me and I prefer to keep mystery snails as the only snail species in my tank.
They are snails. Mush them against the glass and the fish will eat the soft parts. Not wasteful andnit gets rid of the snails. Some people dont want any snails and I can understand that.

Oh dear me, i hate to say it because it isnt me but i almost wet myself reading the first line of your post after the heart warming post on snails seconds before.
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A month after plants went in our tank, I have these too. I don't want them but I refuse to kill them so husband has to do it. I even dipped all of our plants! Clearly not long/strong enough.
Oh dear me, i hate to say it because it isnt me but i almost wet myself reading the first line of your post after the heart warming post on snails seconds before.

Im sorry I love animals as much as the next person and hate animal cruelty but they are snails! They do not even realize they have been mushed! Its just free fish food. Dwarf crayfish especially love them!
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