Where did my clown loaches go???

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loaches will swim in HOB filters so if you have one dont turn it off just take the cover off and shine a flashlight in it. if anything they're just hiding in the driftwood.
There's not a circus in town is there?


I couldn't resist.......sorry :wink:
I hate to ask, but are there any clown loach-sized openings in your hood? I've personally never heard of clown loaches jumping, but you never know...

And from my minimal experience w/ loaches, I can't believe the tight spaces in driftwood that they seem to be able to wiggle into...I'm sure they're just hard to spot today!
about 4 times ive gotten one of my skunk loaches caught in my driftwood, plant, or some other thing and its gotten thrown out of the tank. one time i thought it was a piece of java moss and left it there for about 15 secs until it moved, another time somehow it got in my wc bucket outside for about 3 mins, and finally i was redoing my java fern and it popped out. i decided im too clumsy to take care of skunks so i got some burmese border loaches(meant to be yoyo's) so yeah... loaches can hide in a bunch of places
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