Where's my Cycle?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 15, 2006
Thanks to all the advice I have received so far on this board -- I was able to at least get my 75g tank set up and stocked but I am having a few issues (it couldn't go perfectly now could it!)

I set up the tank on Sunday 4/30 and added the following plants:
2 Java's
8-10 Anachris
8 dwarf onions
4 coffee anubias
2 walkeri crypts

I added the PRIME to dechlorinate the water before I went to bed and let the filter run that night. Monday night 5/1, I took my DD's to the local Petsmart (believe it or not their tanks looked better and they had a much better variety than the LFS around the corner from me) and we bought 23 fish (8 zebra danios, 2 black neon tetras, 2 peppered corys, 2 albino corys, 5 platys, 3 lemon tetras and a buenos aires tetra which was a mistake becuase the fish guy didn't know it wasn't a lemon).

I had planned on waiting until Tuesday to dump in my 3oz of Bio-Spira so the ammonia would get going but the fish guy at the store said I really needed to add something right away and in my panic I did add it after the fish were settled on Monday around 10pm.

So, I have been religiously testing my water with both STRIPS and the AP kit to watch out for all the pitfalls I have read about. So far, I have had no indication of ammonia or nitrites and only a hint of nitrates (a pale pink on the stip pad and somewhere between yellow and the first orange square on the AP card).

Somewhere I read that using PRIME can affect the test results of the ammonia and after I used the bio-spira I read that you weren't supposed to use anything to condition the water except for bio-safe.

I do plan to do a 25% PWC tonight since it will have been 4 days since adding the bio spira.

Is it possible that the combination of live plants, fish load and dose of bio-spira is actually working this quickly as a biofilter or should I be waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop?
So, I have been religiously testing my water with both STRIPS and the AP kit to watch out for all the pitfalls I have read about. So far, I have had no indication of ammonia or nitrites and only a hint of nitrates (a pale pink on the stip pad and somewhere between yellow and the first orange square on the AP card).
I have never used Prime and do not know of the interactions it may have with other chemicals. The fact you see nitrates is usually the first sign of a complete cycle. Hopefully someone who has used Prime will help out.
Is it possible that the combination of live plants, fish load and dose of bio-spira is actually working this quickly as a biofilter
One of the excellent reasons for having a planted tank is you will probably never see ammonia or nitrites. That being said, as Menagerie mentioned, the fact that you have a nitrate reading is absolutely great.

What we probably forgot to mention in your original thread was that nitrate is a good thing in a planted tank. You need to keep a minimum of 10ppm in the tank for the plants to thrive and not have issues with the dreaded BBA (black/brown beard algae) which loves a tank devoid of nitrates and nice lighting.

Congrats. :D
Oh Its SO NICE to read a post where something went well !!!


Post photos of your tank - I'd love to see it
Hi 2beach...

Glad to see that the tank got started. I followed your original thread and it sounds like all the research you did ahead of time has paid off. :)

If you have live plants, then those tend to 'feed' off of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates - so many planted tank aquarists claim that a planted tank doesn't even need to be cycled. I'm not sure about that, but at the least - a planted tank will cycle with lower peaks in the ammonia and nitrite levels.

Anyway, it sounds like the Bio-Spira and live plants have worked well. The nitrates are great to see, and it's good to have around 10ppm for your plants - but you'll still want to avoid having too many nitrates, so try to keep the nitrate levels below 30-40ppm.

About the Bio-Safe - it sounds like Bio-Safe is simply a dechlorinator, so adding Prime shouldn't be any more detrimental. Marineland probably just wants to promote their own dechlorinating product. ;) But yeah, you'll definitely want to add a dechlorinator for any water you add to the tank.

Can't wait to see pictures. Good luck and hope you and your daughter enjoy the tank.

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