Which is Cheapest

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 15, 2005
What is the cheapest all in one tank out there right now? The reason I ask is because I have a 29 gallon right now and I'm not really good with big tanks so i'm looking for a smaller all-in-one tank. I had a 12 gallon nano-cube that was awesome but I took that down and now have a reef in it. I want one of these but they run about 119 dollars and if i got one i would want two. I would get the 24 gallon but I like smaller tanks and I think it would look cooler with the two beside each other. I'm looking at the Eclipse 12 because its cheaper but the nano-cube is just so good. Anyone have a suggestion? Thanks.
I am not a fan of the kit tanks. I think you can purchase better quality filters and heaters for about the same amount of money, especially online. Thus, no benefit in my eyes. However, if for aesthetics you want one with the filter in the hood, they may be OK.
well the tank is going to eventually be moved into my dad's office and he want's so thats everything all in one.
Yeah, hard to beat a tank that has everyhting tidy and hidden, nothing hanging off the back, with very few wires and stuff. I can see the appeal. Have you shopped online?
Buy the tank at a big chain LFS (Petco, Petland, Petsmart, etc) or at Walmart and get everything else online. If you have a Petsmart near you, just print out the webpage of the item you want and take it to the store with you. They will match their own web pricing.

10 gal tank - $8-10 (I pay 7.99 + tax)
You can also find a tank kit with hood for ~$25. Add 2 screw in compact fluorescent bulbs ($8.88 at Walmart) and you have decent lighting on the cheap.

Aquaclear 30 filter - $17.99, $13.99 for the AC20/Mini (Petsmart price)

Gravel - Pick up locally...you won't need much for a smaller tank. Pool filter sand is even cheaper, but you will have a lot let over. No big deal at $6 for a 50lb bag. You can do several tanks with that much sand. Comes in handy when the MTS kicks in...
At petsmart you can pick up a 10 gallon tank, a visitherm 50 watt heater, a perfecto glass hood, a perfecto flourecent light fixture and a top fin or Aqua Clear 10 gallon hob for about $50. This will be much better than a kit, believe me. (this doesn't include ordering online)

<--- Is the proud owner of and Eclipse 12 piece of junk tank.

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