Which one is better?

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I just started a planted tank and I'm interested to learn what others recommend.

So, um, following. :D

Nice looking tank, (in your avatar), btw! (y)
I'd personally vote for aquasoil. Great stuff. If you cant get it, then eco-complete. Trust me, rinsing flourite is no fun.
Smot said:
I'd personally vote for aquasoil. Great stuff. If you cant get it, then eco-complete. Trust me, rinsing flourite is no fun.

I read that about flourite but it's mixed reviews. They said flourite holds plants down better than Eco-complete and has more iron. It's just the rinsing and cloudiness that last for days. Unlike the Eco-complete that you can open the bag and put it in your tank. Maybe I'll just get the Eco-complete then dose iron or add root tabs. I'll check out aqua-soil. Thanks.
IMHO, it doesn't matter what kind you get because eventually its all going to lose its nutrients and you'll be forced to use root tabs and ferts if it's a high tech tank.
i got three baGS total, one each of the following : flourite, carib-sea kind maybe eco- complete and active-flora...i think. this one looked like natural gravel and had bio bacteria liquid in the bag(from petco). after many rinses with the flourite and the other stuff(they have both at petsmart) i mixed them together in my tank. it took a day to settle and it was clear after a day of rinning a 205 fluval canister filter. its my first real attempt at using any plant substrate, i get 2 or 3 hours of direct sunlight in the addition of 2x24w t5 h.o. i hope it is good for my plants i have not gotten co2, yet... anyway today i found 2 semi large nuisance snails on my plants(that i thought i washed well enough.errr!) and im wondering if angel fish will eat them(when the fish get bigger) or if they will become a overwhelming problem...anyone?
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here is a pic of what the substrate looks like...
I also vote for ADA Amazonia Aquasoil. I have some that has been in a tank for 2.5 years, and carpet plants still grow like weeds.

I just added some amazonia powder and some ADA powersand to a new tank... it took about a month for a few little twigs of glosso to completely cover the bottom of the tank.
fort384 said:
I also vote for ADA Amazonia Aquasoil. I have some that has been in a tank for 2.5 years, and carpet plants still grow like weeds.

I read that it turns clayish after a while that's why I didn't even check on that. Is that true?
fort384 said:
I also vote for ADA Amazonia Aquasoil. I have some that has been in a tank for 2.5 years, and carpet plants still grow like weeds.

I just added some amazonia powder and some ADA powersand to a new tank... it took about a month for a few little twigs of glosso to completely cover the bottom of the tank.

That's fast. But then you have a CO2 system. I'll check on the ADA Amazonia aquasoil and see if I'll like it better than Eco-complete.
I read that it turns clayish after a while that's why I didn't even check on that. Is that true?

I have heard that too... I haven't experienced that at all with any of my amazonia (powder or regular).
It went from this:

to this:


in about 5 weeks...

After 3 months, I have given away many large clumps, and it requires weekly trimming. I love the aquasoil :)
fort384 said:
It went from this:

to this:

in about 5 weeks...

After 3 months, I have given away many large clumps, and it requires weekly trimming. I love the aquasoil :)

Wow! That is amazing.
I believe it happens when you put them too deep. All of my tanks that use ugf, the bottom part of the aquasoil turned into clay after about a year. If you only use 1-2 inch, i dont think you have to worry.
I think the problem is probably using Aquasoil on top of a UGF... all that current/flow through the substrate would not be ideal. Using a UGF with nutrient rich substrate is somewhat counterproductive.
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