White flakes on fins - fugus?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 23, 2005
Have 4 White Clouds, 3 Serpie (sp?) Tetra's and 2 Guppies that some have very small white spots on their fins.

It looks kind of flaky and you can see it flake off as they swim.

They look and act healthy otherwise.

I did have a Betta that had a whte area around his mouth that died before I could get meds.....like the next day (today). But it didn't look the same. I'm guessing it was stress related since I just added the White clouds and Tetra's a week ago.

It doesn't look like Ich, is it a Fungus or the beggining of tail rot?

I started Jungle Fungus Clear just in cas
Now I have flushed one White Cloud and a guppy. The White Cloud had no signs of being sick. The Guppy had a small patch of the white stuff on his nose and lurked at the surface until he died.

Now not sure what this is......
The rest of the fish seem healthy but have some spots of white on their fins.

Doing a water change now. The Ammo is starting to rise.
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