White mouth on BLACK molly!!!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 16, 2011
So i bought a black molly about 3 weeks ago, and she was doing fine. But this morning, i noticed she had white on her mouth. Because the rest is black, it really stands out! Help!

One thing i forgot to mention. Ive been using Mardel Coppersafe to treat my parasite outbreak a couple months ago. will that destroy this "mouth fungus" if this is one?
White on the mouth could be a fungus, could be bacterial, he could have injured himself. If you have a place to QT him you could try some antibiotics.

What size tank? What are the parameters? Other fish?
What are your perimeters? I lost a mexican sailfin molly to mouth rot, it was terrible. Can you post pics?
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