whos the boss of your tank? (pics please)

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He's a pretty spectacular looking fish, I would hate for him to get a hold of one of my fingers. But what a cool fish for a center piece. Is he compatible with anyone, at all?
It varies by fish each individual fish and their tank space.

I have kept females with other fish, although they ruled the tank they did not kill anyone. This guy was pure evil. I managed to keep him with a breeding pair of cons for about 1 week. The male con was around 4" and mean as well. The Dovii was 6.5" at the time. Everyone knows how aggressive cons can be, especially when spawning. They are capable of taking out other fish much larger than they are. Well after they spawned the male tried to pick a fight with the Dovii. The con lasted about 5 minutes before he was a dead. The female con lasted around another week but she was not too aggressive.

Once the Dovii hit the 9"+ mark I could not house anything at all with him (accept a female Dovii). I used a divider for 4 weeks so they could get acquainted. When it got to the point where they would both just swim nose to nose against the divider I removed it. I actually thought it would work :D But 2 weeks later (after they had spawned) I woke up one morning to a dead female. She had plenty of caves and places to hide, guess she just wasn't quick enough. I'll upload some vid's of these guys a little later.
That's awful, I had a Red Zebra Mbuna that was like that. He was truly a serial killer. His name was Sonny and he was also really beautiful,but he didn't care if the other fish was male or female. He'd hide behind the plants and wait for another fish to get close and wham, he'd lunge & in one bite he'd take out the mid section. It was barbaric, fortunately the FS took him back.
I'm still working at building up my female livestock, 6 months after he decimated them.
Wendi I remember that, oh no my new tank boss is Sunny, different spelling and hopefully different temperment.
my rz(about 1 3/4 inches) is my boss in my juvie tank this is my only tank hopfully going to get a bigger tank soon i have added one kenyi(3/4 inches) with a lab and acei and the kenyi kenny is rapiddly taking control but is a bit smaller than crush(rz) so we will see.


My first male Kenyi was named Kenny too. He was one of many victims of my RZ serial Killer. I hope you have better luck with yours.
My first male Kenyi was named Kenny too. He was one of many victims of my RZ serial Killer. I hope you have better luck with yours.
hopefully i dont think it will happen hopefully since for now crush doesnt mind kenny but when they have arguments kenny doesnt back off hopefully his pride doesnt kill him
The boss of mine is litterally the smallest he is a Kenya..he is in with 2 5-6 in tinfoils and a sevrum..its hilarious watching them avoid him..he doesn't chase much but they still mind him...its pretty entertaining
The boss of mine is literally the smallest he is a Kenya..he is in with 2 5-6 in tinfoil's and a severum..its hilarious watching them avoid him..he doesn't chase much but they still mind him...its pretty entertaining

Do you mean a Kenyi? And do you have a photo of your little Napoleon

My Honduran Redpoint male is.
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