Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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exact reason i go with frozen but that's my choice and im lazy. lol... and yes frozen baby brine shrimp . sory i didn't clarify that earlier. ty andy
Agreed when kept properly. I mentioned leaving them to see if I could have potentially damaged them. Plus it wasn't a full container. I received some from that breeder that closing. Now I know that he kept them in the fridge. I'm thinking that I don't have the right salinity or my temp is off (which should result in slower hatch), perhaps my ph, as you mentioned lighting or all of the above. The thing that bothers me is that of the shrimp that do hatch seem to have hatched in less than 24 hours so they have already lost some their nutritional valve. It feels like almost like their hatched in 18 hours but if that's the case then why are the other half of eggs not hatching

Here's a couple of thoughts:
1)Remember that salinity reading will change based on temp. Using the same salted water, The colder the water, the higher the salinity reading. The hotter the water , the lower the reading. My salt to water ratio is 5 tablespoons of salt to 1 gal of water at 88-90 degrees. Hatch is within 24 hours. Change the temp and you may need to adjust the salinity. (PH is most likely not the issue.)

2) While the timing for "perfect" nutritional value of bbs is within the first few hours of hatching, I've raised plenty of fish on what would be considered "Old" newly hatched shrimp so don't fret. Not feeding the fry anything is worse than feeding the fry "Old" newly hatched shrimp. (Ignorance is bliss sometimes :D:lol:)

3) Is it possible that the shrimp eggs you are using are from different batches that the former breeder combined? This might explain the different hatching times.

4) make sure you are not overcrowding the eggs. That will cause a reduction in hatching. Maybe try to hatch out a 1/8 teaspoon or smaller amount depending on the volume of water, and see what happens. If they all hatch, that might be your solution,too many eggs. (My neighbor was using a 5 gal water jug to hatch out his shrimp and was having problems. I gave him the same suggestion and his hatch ratio skyrocketed. It was nothing more than too many eggs.)

Hope this helps (y)
im going to look for a angelfish breeding therapist and see if she will come talk to your fish deb lol
Can I get one of those too? I can't get them to breed for the life of me!
Andy, you wanna send some mojo to my angels since you are nearby? lol

lol Deb. Right now, I'm not close enough to send anything (I'm in Maryland at the moment) but when I get back to Lake Wales, I'll do better than send mojo, I will incorporate a stop to see your setup when I am in the Tampa area next. You see, it is rarely the fish that are the problem, it's the the setup :eek:. For some reason, your fish don't like the separate setup. It might be size, water temps, decor, or the area the tank is in. SOMETHING is stopping them from spawning in that tank when they will spawn in the main tank. Your job is to figure out what that is. :confused:

What you can do in the meantime, once they spawn again, make sure they do it on something you can remove from the tank and artifishaly :)brows: I do know how to spell lol) hatch out the eggs. Since you will be using 100% of the water they were spawned in, it prevents any of the other factors I mentioned before from coming into play. (Eggs don't know what size tank they were layed in. ;)) Mojo not required :D

Hope this helps (y)
Andy, you wanna send some mojo to my angels since you are nearby? lol

Debb. What I did was first I made sure the separate tank was similar to the old one. They laid they're eggs on the amazon sword so I moved it with them. Also put gravel down for two reasons 1) they aren't used to bare bottom tanks 2) it helped root plants. I also moved one of the decorations along with them. I also did a water change to the tank they were in and put that water in with them. I let them spawn once on the sword then added a terra cotta wine cooler. It stood straight up but they choose it the next time they spawned. Of course they ate those eggs. I next purchased spawning slates and they choose the wine cooler again and ate the eggs again. After that I pulled the wine cooler and only gave them the slate or the sword to spawn on. The sword hasn't faired to well and was quite small so they spawned on the slate which I pulled and artiFISHilly raised them myself. They didn't not like me pulling the slate! I think that why the they started to clean the sword when they were ready to go again. I pulled the sword out right away. I basically made the changes very small so they had a chance to get accustom to it. They are in a 20gal
I have another 10 gallon I just cleaned up and got my accessories for. I was gonna make it a grow out tank for some fish my mom wants but I think I will make it a fry tank instead. I'm gonna assume it should be bare bottom? I have everything I need (filter, heater) and replaced the hood. It was way old and the lights didn't work. I am hell bent on raising some angels!!! lol

I also have my other 44 gallon corner tank that is salt that I am breaking down. Might make that another fresh tank. And soon will break down my 75. I'm doing away with all my salt tanks for now. Getting bored with them.
I have another 10 gallon I just cleaned up and got my accessories for. I was gonna make it a grow out tank for some fish my mom wants but I think I will make it a fry tank instead. I'm gonna assume it should be bare bottom? I have everything I need (filter, heater) and replaced the hood. It was way old and the lights didn't work. I am hell bent on raising some angels!!! lol

I also have my other 44 gallon corner tank that is salt that I am breaking down. Might make that another fresh tank. And soon will break down my 75. I'm doing away with all my salt tanks for now. Getting bored with them.

It's quite exciting. Today my wigglers became free swimmers. They are so tiny compared to the last brood that are 2 weeks free swimming and 10x bigger. They grow up so fast. Lol.

I first put the slate in a 1gal pickle jar filled with aged water and a air stone. (Look at Andys instructions) The jar sits inside the 10gal that is also filled with aged water. I have a sponge filter running to circulate the water and have the heater set at 82. This keeps the water inside the jar at 82 as well. Once they become wigglers I begin to do 25% water changes. The water I put back in comes from the 10gal and then I top up the 10gal. After they become free swimming I pull the slate out. A couple if days after I just slowly tip the jar into the 10gal and drain them out. Worked for the first brood and seems to be working for the current brood. It needs to be a sponge filter. Power filters have too much current
I believe my pair are escalating. The females breeding tube is extended this morning. That's 11 days. Last time was a 14 day interval and the time before that was 25 day interval. Argh. I'm not ready for them. I still need another heater
I believe my pair are escalating. The females breeding tube is extended this morning. That's 11 days. Last time was a 14 day interval and the time before that was 25 day interval. Argh. I'm not ready for them. I still need another heater

WAIT!!!! it gets better :D I had some pairs go every 7 days. As I said earlier, once you get a pair and keep the proper conditions, it's harder to get them NOT to breed than to get them to breed. :lol: It's not as hard to raise 1 million baby Angelfish as you think. It just takes A LOT of space. :brows:

NOW, stop reading this and go get your heaters and MORE TANKS!!! :ROFLMAO: (y)
Jealous :-(

This weekend I am going to make a permanent breeding tank.

Excellent! Remember to make them feel comfortable. Use 75% of the water from their current tank. It might take longer for them to spawn again but they will once they know this tank is their new home.

I did some heater shuffling and got an adjustable on in the 10gal and pulled my 3rd spawn. I have one more 10gal but I don't think I'll be using it as the fry outgrow the 10gal so fast that my first one will be empty by then. I think I'll pull the next spawn then slow the train by letting the parents try to raise the brood
you should get a culture of micro worms, i had several types of cichlids breeding in my fish room, had great success with those , and they are so easy to keep, i bought a culture on aquabid. com. for three dollars, and when the culture starts to die off you make a new one with oatmeal and yeast,
you should get a culture of micro worms, i had several types of cichlids breeding in my fish room, had great success with those , and they are so easy to keep, i bought a culture on aquabid. com. for three dollars, and when the culture starts to die off you make a new one with oatmeal and yeast,

I've considered it since my basement is on the cool side it's perfect temp for it. How fast do they reproduce because in 4 weeks alone I have about 450 fry and need to make there would be enough to sustain them.
you will have more than enough in just one culture , you swipe a toothpick on the side of your plastic container where the microworms are, and shake the toothpick in water, whats great about the worms is they are climbing up the sides so you don't have to worry about getting any of the medea from your culture in water, the culture will last weeks, than when it looks like culture is slowing down you make a new one, put some of the worms from old culture in it , and in two or three days you have thousands of new worms,
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