Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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Im using a deep Blue sponge i have a ten and thirty gallon size spongy and am using the thirty in much ten for now because i know im gonna have to move these babies to a forty breeder not so far down the line but i can get some carbon today and put it in.
Im using a deep Blue sponge i have a ten and thirty gallon size spongy and am using the thirty in much ten for now because i know im gonna have to move these babies to a forty breeder not so far down the line but i can get some carbon today and put it in.

Other tricks I've learned along the way :brows:, if you can't get a carbon cartridge to fit on your lift tube, get a mesh bag and put some carbon in it, rinse it out, then lay it on top of the sponge. Since water is moving through the sponge, water will then be moving through the carbon bag. HOWEVER, I have this method to be less effective as the carbon cartridge will have all the water flowing through it and the bag only gets whatever section of the sponge the water is flowing through. Since water takes the path of least resisdence, it will do it's best to bypass the bag.

Hope this helps (y)
big mess----- about a month ago theUTTTTTTT with out my knowing it also leaked under the wall to the next room and guess whats in the next room YEP my fish room. and on that wall WAS 2 -55 gallon tanks with adult angels in them. lets just say BIG mess and all adult angels are now in the 75 temporarily untill when ever lol. OHHHHH WELLLLLL
big mess----- about a month ago theUTTTTTTT with out my knowing it also leaked under the wall to the next room and guess whats in the next room YEP my fish room. and on that wall WAS 2 -55 gallon tanks with adult angels in them. lets just say BIG mess and all adult angels are now in the 75 temporarily untill when ever lol. OHHHHH WELLLLLL

Oh I hate when that happens :facepalm: Not exactly sure what a UTTTTTTT is but any post that contains the words " Big Mess" "Leaked" and "WAS" cannot be about a good thing. Get that garage built quickly so you don't have to be bothered with this kind of thing again. ( Only leaky tanks :lol: ) (y)
im getting it hopefully with in the next few days. a verry nice man here in colorado is either bringing her or shipping her to me . im excited
i have a dark black male just waiting for her. or who ever she chooses but ill try him first. hes a sexy dude so i think she will take him. hes very big and will cort her nicely
i have a dark black male just waiting for her. or who ever she chooses but ill try him first. hes a sexy dude so i think she will take him. hes very big and will cort her nicely

So excited to see this pairing unfold! Been following the thread in the background with all y'all's experiences so I can't wait to hear the updates on how your new girl does with your guys!!
Both my spawns are now free swimmers and i have about 300+ babies that are eating like pigs. I have been feeding three times a day microworms and have some bbs brewing. i was wondering when my first tank upgrade should be? they are in a ten now and i have a twenty and 40 breeder waiting to be used. i was also wondering if anyone's used a giant tub for baby angels so i don't hafta buy more glass tanks since they are cheaper.
i have actualy see guys get those plastic toats and cut a square hole in it and silicone a piece of plexi glass over it on the inside so they can see the fish
Both my spawns are now free swimmers and i have about 300+ babies that are eating like pigs. I have been feeding three times a day microworms and have some bbs brewing. i was wondering when my first tank upgrade should be? they are in a ten now and i have a twenty and 40 breeder waiting to be used. i was also wondering if anyone's used a giant tub for baby angels so i don't hafta buy more glass tanks since they are cheaper.

The first upgrade to the grow out tank is usually about 5 to 6 weeks of age. They should be looking like little versions of their parents when you move them and just eating flake or prepared foods at the surface. You do need to be careful with that many fry in a 10 gal tank tho. Be vigilant about siphoning the bottom of the tank of detritus and dead food. These 2 things kill more fry than just about anything else. This is a daily chore when you have a lot of fry.

As for what to use for growing them out, I've used everything from 5' & 6' diameter kiddy pools from Toys R Us to plastic coffin liners to glass tanks. Cheap works ;) It just needs to hold water and have some height. Search plastic holding tank distributors or chemical holding tank companies in your area as well. They may have new containers at a good price or have used food storage containers you can get at a good price. Also check out local Bait & Tackle stores that sell live bait. They may have some unused tanks they want to get rid of as well. The bigger the better and will help grow the fish larger faster.

Hope this helps (y)
Well my silver female and super veil white male are laying again on the tiles in the back of the community tank and my little veil silver choose the smokey blue this time instead of the marble male to lay with and they are laying on a terra cotta pot at the same time. Good thing my gf and i just got another 10g from petco Tuesday for more baby angels. My last batch of babies are doing great and are healthy and fat. They are now swimming to the top and being really active
Well today was spawn #3 for my Silver female. We're making progress ( I think:huh:) as this time, there are a few eggs still on the slate this afternoon. So I went from the single female laying eggs on her own to laying eggs while the male was available (but she beat the crap out of him after he ate the eggs) to both fish being in good shape and the female laying eggs without beating him up. Since there are only about 12 eggs still alive, I am leaving them with the pair to see if they hatch. No loss if they don't, progress if they do ;) (I just want one to hatch :D)
Seems a pattern of 17 -18 days between spawns has developed. Not too long to wait for the next batch.

No news on the Koi pair I set up. She is definitely filling up with eggs but showing no signs of wanting to lay them anywhere :( Might have to throw on some romantic music at night to get her in the mood:brows:
Congrats on hopefully a pairing. I just pulled both sets of eggs and put them in a birthing tank with meth blue. My big silver changed mates just before she layer eggs. It'll be interesting.
well good luck andy i had 2 batches of babies go bad rite at swimmer stage. ph is good and heat is good. i think im going to try with out the meth blue next time cause this is an old bottle so maby bad. i have aged water so we will see. i keep the tanks clean so i dont no
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