Will they be ok?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 14, 2004
I have a 75FOWLR and have a niger and a picaso trigger in it. I just added a blue throat trigger and the other 2 chased him around when I put him in. They seem to be laying off him now. They didn't bite him, it seems they just pushed him around and made gruntting sounds. Do you think they will be ok?

Wayyy too many triggers in the tank.

The only trigger that is good in smaller tanks are te niger and one other one i cant remember the name of right now. A lot of triggers need a big tank so they can establish a territiory and have enough swimming space. Some like the clown trigger establish a very large territory and any other smaller fish or trigger that goes into it will be attacked.

Not only is aggression a factor, but the bioload and potential size of each fish.
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