Will this combo work?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 8, 2014
I have a 100 gallon wide aquarium I am using to house stock I will be introducing into my pond this spring. The 100g would house eight 2-3 inch dark common goldfish, 14-20 rosy red minnows and a 12 inch pleco. Would this be too much with weekly %90 water changes?

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Only problem might be the pleco....they prefer warmer water than the other 2 plus at this size the can become aggresive and you may loose a few of your other fish
The pond will be ready in two months, I think if I could power feed the pleco or at least keep him fool. I couldn't picture the pleco catching such small fish.

I'm wanting to add a lot of rocks, stones and plants in hopes the rosy reds may breed. Any tips?

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Also is it true commons reach breding size at three inches?

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I know the rosy reds are suppose to breed like rabbits and males will claim caves to breed in .......i guess something like cichlids but I have no personal experience
I've been wanting to bred them forever so the aquarium should be perfect for their spawning with so much rock rock and pvp pipe cuttings.. and they say 16 hours of light daily helps at room temp.

But I can't ever find out how large of a shoal to add for breeding. I'd like to add about two dozen reds but only add around ten males..

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Also: goldfish can live in rocky aquariums as long as enough surface space us provided correct?

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