Will this guy eat my plants?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2005
Rapid City, SD
this guy lives currently in my ACF tank, which is not planted. he does a great job of controlling the algae.

not being an expert on snail. does anyone know if this guy will eat my plants if i put him in my 28 gal?

i know he is a ramshorn snail, but i do not know the exact species.


EDIT: Forgot the Picture!!!
If he's fairly large (bigger than the tip of your pinkie) then this is probably one of the plant eating varieties.
The coloring suggests thats the big Ramshorn that everyone agrees eats plants. Did you get it from the LFS or as a hitchiker?

How about floating some trimmings in its tank for a couple days to see what happens?
Resurgent said:
I believe they only eat dead matter etc from plants.

I think most snails only bother with dead plant matter unless there is nothing else to munch.
he is about the size of a quarter.

got him at petco

he eats zucchini and lettuce like a rabbit
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