Will this work?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 2, 2008
Naperville Il
Hello. Next week I will do my new sump. I used for 5 years external pump Gen X but in my new sump I will use Mag 12.It will be in the sump. My question is in case of emergency if something goes wrong with Mag you think I can use that GenX like in my second picture? First is my actual set up. It will be glass sump and I do not want to drill for pump I'm not plan to use. Please let me know. Emergency means in my case like couple weeks < in case I will need time to fix it or do not have money to buy new one> I know it might be hard on the pump to suck that water up and down and up again. Please let me know what you think.


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Yes, it'll work. I did the same thing with my Iwaki pump. I made a u-tube from PVC pipe that hung over sump and actually ran my system like that for months. Just make sure tube almost touches bottom of sump and has a pre-filter (sponge) on it. If it's too close to surface of water in sump when evaporation occurs you'll break siphon.
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