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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 2, 2005
chicago ridge, illinois
well my 15 gal has recently become very cloudy with a tinge of green, last weekend i did a water change and cleaned out the filter bad and then 2day i did a gravel vac to try and clear up the tank but still very cloudy any suggestions? ive also read that windows cause algae could that be the case?
Well actually sunlight causes algae but you've got the right idea. If at all possible you will want to keep your tank away from direct sunlight.
the + side to having it by a window is you can just open up the windoe and let the water drain outside :)
Hmm, good call krap101, come summer I'll be hanging the gravel vac syphon right out the window on the side of the house. It will be very interesting, as I have some new grass planted there. I bet I'll see exactly where I've drained the tank water (nice big green healthy spot from all the nitrAtes). :)
7Enigma said:
I bet I'll see exactly where I've drained the tank water (nice big green healthy spot from all the nitrAtes). :)

Probably. I use tank water from my planted tanks to water the 4 dwarf korean lilac bushes we planted when we moved in. We were told "these won't bloom for a couple years as they're too small/young.

They bloomed the first year..twice. and twice last year too.
nitrous said:
so ya what should i do with it tho the tank is very green/cloudy and ive done 2 water changes in teh past week

Get your tank out of the window, first. That will help alot. Keeping up on cleaning your tank, and regular filter maintenence will help clear up the cloudy water. Do you have a test kit? Can you get a reading of your water parameters from the store, if you don't have a kit? Did you cycle your tank?
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