Wish had the video camera for this one...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 12, 2010
Orlando, FL
I woke up this morning and fed my guys as usual, but somehow the algea wafer I drop in for my pleco drifted and fell right in the middle of the frog's pellets. Well, the pleco found the wafer before the frogs could get over to the pellets, and got very territorial which, needless to say, the frogs were having no part of. So, here I have 2 African Dwarf Frogs and a Pitbull Pleco fighting over who will get to eat, and in the meantime, the Rainbow Shark and Danios cleaned up the frogs pellets. I ended up moving the frogs to another little container for them to eat (which I've had to do on occassion), and now everyone is at peace with one another. Hope you all enjoyed my story. Gotta go for now, time for weekly maintenance.
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