Won Bros Pro heat 2 Question ????

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 12, 2005
York Pennsylvania
I received my Pro Heat 2, 350 watt heater today. I was wondering if you can use extension cord with this heater? The temp display plugs right in to receptacle, I don't want to plug in on my strip under tank (you would not be able to see display). Any ideas???
no problem on the extension cord, providing you leave drip loops and do your best to seal up any plug-in connections that might take a splash (i.e. silicone unused receptacles)
That was the only negative thing I have about this product. It would have been nice if the temp readout/setting was on a remote cord and not part of the power adapter.

For me this is not as big of a deal as I have a power strip mounted on the side of my stand (out of eye site).
Once you have the temperature set put a piece of tape over the adjustment dial is my best suggestion for these great heaters-Anne
Thanks for the info. I agree Kam , the should have a seperate cord for lcd. I hooked up an extension cord and mounted on the side of the tank stand. Thanks again. , Slow
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