worm help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 30, 2008
I cannot get a picture of the worms in my tank, they are very illusive and certainly scared of the light. I would say there are at least 2 different kinds based on the look of them. I have a 55 gallon tank that has been running for 13 weeks and I have counted at least 20+ worms in the rocks... Should I be concerned and is there a good source to identify these creatures? They have not caused trouble to my tank that I can tell but I did have a diamond goby dissapear, he always was in the rocks! Coincedence? Some are very bright orange and some have a more transperant or green color, it is hard to get a great look because they hid quickley with lights on them. Thanks for any help...
I would do a search of bristleworms and peanut worms and see if these are what you are seeing. They are both very common and nothing to be concerned about.
So I have searched the web and it seems like people will post 3 or 4 different pictures under one name so it is hard to know what is what. Google will show a picture of a "bristle worm" and that same picture will show up under a fire worm... SO that is what is leading to my confusion. Thanks
Definitely check out the link CaptainAhab posted, as that is the same one I would have pointed you to.
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