Worm like creature

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 12, 2012
Orange County, California
As many you have already know, I have build an above the ground koi pond. Recently I started selling koi out of the pond.


This is twice now that I have notice that when I clean my pressure filter, there are worm-like creatures in my pressure filter. They are in my coarse sponge. I want to know whether or not these worm are harmful and also what are they.
As many you have already know, I have build an above the ground koi pond. Recently I started selling koi out of the pond.


This is twice now that I have notice that when I clean my pressure filter, there are worm-like creatures in my pressure filter. They are in my coarse sponge. I want to know whether or not these worm are harmful and also what are they.

Is it outdoors could be leeches not sure though or some sort of insect larvae
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