Would there be a problem with

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No, really!

Metals like zinc and copper are common ingredients for coins and are toxic to many inverts.
Check with your local fish stores. Maybe they will have some plastic ones you could use. Just make sure that they don't have any paint that could flake off or be toxic to your animals.
at $25 for a bag of coins, I doubt there's any 24k plating..these are gonna be brass, bronze, or painted die-cast at best. absolutely do not put them in a salt tank.
I'm gonna agree with malkor here. I would not trust my SW investment to anything like that. Also, keep in mind in a SW tank, anything like that will likely become covered in coraline rather quickly and you won't see the surface anymore anyway. Perhaps if you could find plastic ones with the same size you could try them out and see how they looked after covered with coraline... might work.
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