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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 28, 2011
Stocking up a 20 gallon Tank

Ive had a 20 gallon tank for 7 years at my moms house she dosn't want it so my grandfather and I are keeping it at our house and im getting three mollies four platies I wanted two swordtails but i heard they cross breed with platies and I now don't know what other fish to include please help.:angel:
What type(s) of filter do you have on the tank?

Not sure the Betta would go with some of those fish, but you'll have to wait for a stocking expert to read this and tell you :)
Im stocking my 20 gallon tank and this is what im thinking of putting in there

4 platies
3 mollies
2 swordtails
2 alge eaters
and maybe 1 female betta
What do you think
Mollies produce an awful lot of bioload and just for one I'd reccomend twenty gallons. You'd have to bump down the lists a bit. I would get rid of the mollies and do six platies or swordtails, along with a female betta. Two algae eaters could be anything from amano shrimp to common plecos? Could you be a little more specific? Thanks :)
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