Xenia under attack

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 7, 2005
Humboldt CA
hi. my Xenia elogata is getting picked on badly by a Lysmata amboinensis. the cleaner shrimp is picking the tentacles off of the Xenia's polyps and eating them as wells as ripping them apart during feeding time to get any food the poor thing has captured for itself.
i know that its a rough world in the natural reef, but this seems cruel. what the heck should i do? i like the Lysmata but i like the Xenia too.
is this a sign i should be feeding more often? i feed about once or twice a day as it is, but maybe im not feeding large enough proportiongs to keep the Lysmata's happy. i have 2 in a 29 gallon tank. they seem happy as could be - no tension between them (other than slight sexual tension from when they mate ;)) but maybe the competition for food between the two of em is too much... what do ya'll think??
I had some peppermint shrimp that were constantly eating my mushrooms and tore a hole in my bubble coral. I got rid of them and all my problems went away. I warned the friend who gave them a home, but he really liked them at first. Eventually they caused too many problems for him and he was able to capture 2 and put them in his sump, the other two were impossible to catch. They were proven trouble makers :lol: . My advise is, get rid of em. If they are a problem now, they will only get worse. Also, you will find yourself buying more corals, and possibly more destruction will ensue. I know it sux, I loved my shrimp and could not imagine if I had to give up my cleaner, but those poor corals... :(
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