Yellow brown coloured water

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 16, 2014
Hey I recently replaced the substrate in my 16 gallon planted aquarium, I put a layer of peat and some other special plant growth fertile substrate. This is all covered by a nice thick layer of black onyx sand. Since I did all this the water has been stained yellow-brown and doesn't look so hot, well for my taste that is. I do a 50% weekly water change.

Is the staining going to be permanent, will it go away over time? Is there anything I can do about it?


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It looks like tannins from the substrate u added. I had them also I added polishing pads to my filter and kept up on water chages. It'll go away. Looks good though

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Drift wood can be soaked in a hot or boiling water tub and left for a day or two and then change the water out, and repeat until the water goes clear. I would guess the brown water in your tank TrueBlue is coming from the peat. Not sure how to deal with that... A hot soak would also leech out anything beneficial to the plants so I guess, hope it will go away soon with water changes.
Thanks for all the advice guys, hey bhardtke, where could I find some of those polishing pads?
I have a fluval 304 and they make polishin pads that fit the baskets. but they make a generic that u cut to fit its Acurel Poly Fiber Media Pad 10 in. x 18 in.

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Using a good grade of carbon in your filter for several days will help remove the color from the water. My guess is the peat is leaching into the water column. I used peat in my Cardinal breeding tank, to help reduce the PH, and soften the water. It turned yellow/brown also. It cleared when the peat was exhausted.
Peat is used by many to purposely colour the water for more natural habitats for certain fish.

I believe this will be pretty permanent
My water is also that color but I assume is from the drift wood since I only soaked it for a few hours. I have the cut to fit stuff I'm currently not using in the filter. Ill have to add it!

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Thanks for posting this thread!
As I mentioned same issue!
It seems to be a common problem in the hobby, I'm just glad this thread is helping people other than myself :)
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