Yellow/Brown Spots on Molly

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 1, 2012
I don't know if this picture is added because I am posting this from my phone but if you notice on that dalmatian Molly ( if the picture is showing up ) she has brownish yellow specks. Does it just mean there was different breeding in the past? Thanks in advance!


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Are you noticing any weird behavior with the fish? I'm thinking this should probably be in the sick fish section rather than breeding. We'll see where it goes though..

Yellow/brown spots are usually a sign of a disease. Does the fish always sit at the surface and gasp as pictured?
Yeah, she always does. She just had fry about 3 weeks ago and some aren't really growing. I'm pretty sure she's pregnant again because since I have taken this picture her belly has dropped significantly. She's also always chasing other fish. I thought she gasped at the top just because birth but now that you mention it, it is kind of weird. I'll repost this in the ill fish section! Thank you for your help!
Forgot to mention, the specks are not nearly as bright as in the picture (flash was on). They're brown when you look at them in actual light and not as distinct. I have read that it could come from an ancestor that wasn't a Dalmatian Molly.
The thing with them gasping Might have something to do with nitrite problems. I agree this should be in the sick fish section.
One thing that wasn't mentioned. How many fish in the tank? Are others doing the same? Maybe oxygen? Sometimes fish will go to the surface and gasp for air when oxygen in the tank is depleted.
My dalmatian Molly has the same brownish spots but only one or two but she is perfectly healthy I have had her for 3 months now and we bought her with them
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