Yellow-Green Cloudy Water

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 9, 2005
Boston MA
My friend asked me to post this on his behalf so my tank info does not apply. He has a 55-gallon SW tank, ~25lbs LR, two small fish, one small anemone, 200-watt actinics, a small eheim mech.filter, and a new back-pack protein skimmer (to replace a smaller skimmer). His water is so cloudy you can't even see from one side to another, and it has been like this for over a month.

Water levels are good (no ammonia, nitrite, ~20ppm nitrate, 10 dKH) and does scheduled water changes. He has never been able to get the water clear. Any thoughts/suggestions on how he can clear up his water?
I went through the same thing with my tank. Use Kent Marine Pro-Clear Marine Clarifier. It will work.
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