Yellow lab fry question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 24, 2012
Hi , my yellow lab has spit her 14 baby's into a growing out tank , I have now put her back into my big tank , I have grown the fry on to about 3/4 inch , my red zebra female and another yellow lab is holding now also , can I put both these females into the fry tank ? Will I have any issues at all ? As I have Run out of tanks , I'm planning on selling the fry when they grow to a inch I just don't want the mothers bullying the fry , let me know your thoughts
Thanks andy
I've put holding yellow lab females into a fry tank with no problem, but remove her soon after she spits.
Thanks for the advice , will the fry get on with each other being slightly older brood ?
Toddster180 said:
Thanks for the advice , will the fry get on with each other being slightly older brood ?

They may fight a little but as fry they shouldn't kill each other.The larger fry will simply be the more dominant.Whats the size difference?
The fry that are in there are 1 month old at just half inch and my yellow lab female and red zebra female are about a week away from spitting ?
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