You know you're an aquarist if...(just for fun)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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When you're single and INSTEAD of going out on a Saturday nite partying you'd rather use a magnifying glass in one hand checking out the nooks and crannies for new life in your tank and use the other hand to point a laser light all over the living room so your dog can chase it.
When you're high from the fumes of glue, from running pipe for your filtration, your neck is killing you from laying in all sorts of configurations, you're pants and shirt are wet and you're going crossed eyed your so tired BUT you just can't get yourself to bed UNTIL the tank is full and you know it's good!
Sisserydoo said:
We went to a child's party at an old zoo keeper's house once, lot's of neat animals there. He seriously had two baby alligators living in his spare tub!!!

That is so intense!! Ok, now im going to have to look through my tub to check for alligators! Lol
When you have hundreds of shrimp and none are meant for cocktail sauce :)
PC1 said:
When you have hundreds of shrimp and none are meant for cocktail sauce :)

When every trip to the grocery store, even just running in for one thing, involves a trip to the seafood section to see if there are ant sales on anything you can feed the fish. $3 for two pounds of frozen shrimp was my last awesome find!
when your wife complains that the cat only gets two food choices but the fish get eight...
sniperfreak said:
when your wife complains that the cat only gets two food choices but the fish get eight...

My cat is nearly as spoiled as my fish. She occasionally gets cooked bits of the seafood I buy for the fish.
Sisserydoo said:
When your husband is telling a story at dinner, and he notices your eyes are focused just over his shoulder to the left of him, and he says "are you looking at that fish tank again!!!???"

Lol, I get that a lot.

When your talking about football or another serious suject and you end up talking about fish. ;-)
Starka said:
Lol, I get that a lot.

When your talking about football or another serious suject and you end up talking about fish. ;-)

When your one the phone w ur gf and she catches you not listening and asks if your watching your fish tank again.
When your significant other says let's clean the house today and you think it's a great idea and grab you siphon and start doing pwc on your tanks
Niki said:
When your significant other says let's clean the house today and you think it's a great idea and grab you siphon and start doing pwc on your tanks

That's where I always start my housecleaning!
00youknowit00 said:
When mom says ”Go clean your room, and by room I mean everything BUT the fish tanks. I'm not falling for that again.” Hahahahaha

When watching "Hoarders" makes you want to clean your room and, most importantly, your tanks.
When you walk past one of your tanks, see a little algae, and decide to scrub it off. Which leads to an unscheduled pwc. Which leads to cleaning each and every one of your tanks, despite having done your last water change maybe only 3 days before... Even if it is 3 in the morning...
Niki said:
When your significant other says let's clean the house today and you think it's a great idea and grab you siphon and start doing pwc on your tanks

Lol That's soo me! Who needs a clean house?
When it's your birthday and your hubby takes you to the good LFS and let's you pick whatever you want! I got another oto, 3 red cherry shrimp and I fell in love with neon lampeye killifish. They are schooling with my guppies, it is so cute!!!


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When you go to chase your cat out of your room, then get distracted looking at your first tank in the room, get a few steps forward after the cat, get distracted at the second, then the third, and then the cat just gets bored and walks out on her own.
When you're sad when it's lights-off time for your fish tank. And the voice saying "but mooooom, I don't WANT to turn off the lights, I want to keep watching the fish!" is yours, inside your head. :fish2:
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