Your favorite cichlid!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 22, 2006
I havent seen any posts like this so, I would love to see pictures of people favorite cichlids and any interesting stories that you would have with them. :D
I guess I'm partial to German Blue Rams. I had seen pics of them everywhere and since I had pillow soft water, I knew I wanted them. My first purchase of two didn't turn out well. They both died within weeks; one right behind the other. I did some research on them and started this thread German Blue Ram Discussion to determine if the information I found was accurate amongst folks who kept them.

Taking what I discovered, I tried them again, this time four from a LFS who certified they were from a local breeder. That was in May of 2005. To my surprise, they are all still alive and doing well to this day. Here is a pic of the largest one:


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My dimidiochromis compressiceps.
The only fish I know of that will spawn while 8 people sit and watch it from the dinner table 2 feet away. Happened a few times now.
I love most all cichlids, but I am still quite partial to my original favorite, the Convicts... I like them frankly because they are undemanding and inexpensive. I also like their stripes, their size, their ease of breeding, and their tough-guy reputation. All this despite the negatives like how the fry are so plentiful that they are worthless, and how they are so easy to breed that they do not pose a challenge to an advanced hobbyist. I think they are a "gateway drug" type of cichlid for beginners that still have much to offer the advanced fish-keeper, and are often overlooked...


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Jchillin: I love rams but i cant seem to keep them alive for more than a week so i gave up. Im going to have to read your thread on them. Hope they live many more years.

DefeKt: I love thoes africans I had to when I had an african tank. I have never seen them breed congrats on that it must be an interesting site

Sicklid: I love convicts some people dont appreciate the simple beauty of them. Come to think of it the are a gateway cichlids it seems that everybody has had them at one point or another

Thanks for you guys post anymore takers?
I have rams, absolutly love them. The ones I have now are the 4th batch that I have bought. All four batches came from different places, at different times. The first two died within the first week. The third, most died within the first week, but two survived for a while. The last one from that batch died about a month ago, and I had had him for over 6 months. I have had this last batch since Christmas, and they seem to be doing really well. I bought six, and I have 5 now.

I really want Discus...

I think my fave would be a tie between GBR and discus.
I've kept many types of cichlids during the past 11 years, but my absolute favorite is Neolamprologus multifasciatus-- the multi.
Currently I'm keeping Angels, several apistos, and of course discus. The reason these are my cichlids of choice is because they can all be kept in planted aquariums.

I suppose for "pet" appeal, it's tough to beat the oscar. They just seem to have so much personality.
how can i choose???

I currently keep:
-german blue rams
-bolivian rams
-tbar cichlids
-green terrors
-gold severum

The best i can do is narrow it down to three top favorites.

German blue rams, Green terrors, and gold severums

I like GBRs because of the colour and the personality. They zip around and stop, then zip around and stop... They go in short bursts of motion which i think is cool. They colour is also amazing.

I like green terrors because of the colour, finnage and personality. They arent't as agressive as everyone says and are actually scared of my tiger barbs and even my serpae tetras which they share the tank with.

I like gold severums because they are just adorable :p They have huge buggy eyes and are just so peaceful. Mine just spends all day zipping back and forth from one end of the tank to another.

Here are some pics i have collected of these fish, sometimes they are moving too quick to actually get a good shot

Male and female GBR with severum



Green terror


German blue ram

WOW guys that is some great stuff!

locorosa: Me two they are beautiful fish and no two fish seem alike

ezy33: servums are beautiful fish. With almost the almost a puppy dog apeal

hsherman1986: Rams are beautiful but i still can't keep them LOL good luck with yours.

Voodoo Chilli: You must have some great experience! Are those the shell dwellers?

BrianNY: I think oscars are gorgeous fish, but they get way to big for what I can have right now

JDogg: You are an apisto guy thats for sure beautiful fish

WaterPond: Its always hard for me to choose my favorite fish thats why I havent posted yet LOL your top three is great. I think servums are one of the sweetest cichlids but have never attempted to keep them. Beautiful pictures love the rams and your green terror is stunning interesting how you sterotypes don't always fit what you have witnessed.

MyCatsDrool: Angels are stunnig if discus are the kings of freshwater then angels must be the queens. They are goregeous fish. Albino Sofocoli are the coolest I love there personalities and how they were one of the calmest fish in my african tank

Thanks again for all the great replies. Lets keep this thread going I would love to hear more about your favorite fish and experiences
Yep, the multis are shell dwellers. Although there are very few cichlid species I don't care for, the shellies are my favorites. They're so personable and interesting to watch. I've had friends and family members go out and buy tanks for me to stock with multis after they've spent time watching my colony.:)
I love any dimorphic malawi really, they're really interesting, bright, and active fish. I also really like apistos but I've never kept any (yet). The agassizi are on my list of 'would like' fish!

At the moment I keep pseudotropheus msobo magunga. Until recently I thought (for about 6 months until the males got to a stage of colouring up since being juvies where I realised my LFS got it wrong yet again!) I had ps. saulosi, so that was a bit of a surprise! It hasn't changed my love of them; only the name is different ;-) :) (Well, and the expectations of what they'll eventually look like!). The fry are absolutely adorable. Male msobo are very similar to saulosi: a little bigger, same colours but no vertical stripes, a little more aggressive (supposedly but mine are big softies), and a bit more rare. The yellow females are nearly identical.




I also quite like keyholes: they make a lovely community fish if you ask me! Never kept them though.
My Salvini Cichlid is my favorite i just love the colours i cant believe it only cost me 1.50. It killed various other fish but i cant hate it just an awesome fish.:D


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coldmachineUK: Those are beautiful cichlids! The fry are drop dead gorgeous

Sitchy: That fish looks fantastic and only for $1.50 thats a still great find
Man, I like Apistos, angels, and rams, but my absolute favorite out of those HAS to be my rams. They are just too cute!!!
Blue Rams/Gold Rams - I have never been able to keep these alive for more than a few months, but they are spectacular fish...

Malawi Mbuna - My current favorites. They are colorful, active, and have some very interesting behaviors.

Keyhole Cichlids - From the time I saw billsgate breeding thread, I've wanted some of these and finally got some last week. They were a V-Days gift from my wife!

Bolivian Rams - Not as colorful as the GBR, but beautiful nonetheless...
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