Your opinion of filter

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 24, 2011
Tucson, Az
So I have the stock filter that came with my 29 gal tank and was looking to upgrade to a nicer one (seeing how a few people said my current one is junk). I was wondering what your take was on a bio-wheel filter? On a different forum I remember almost everyone bashing these filters so I would like to see what you guys say.

The tank kit I got (about 8 months ago) is:

The filter that comes in this kit is a Top Fin 30, which would be the best possible upgrade with the filters that are out there?

The kit also came with a 100 W Neptune Submersible Heater, from what I know this is good for 25 gallons and under? which heater would be a good upgrade.. also for the heat, I would like to say I'm in Tucson. Not sure if that contributes to water temp.. the house is cooled to 72-78 degrees throughout the summer.. thanks again for all the help and advice!
I am kind of a noobie but I have never had a problem with the marineland penguin Bio wheel filters. I think they are great as far as HOB's go. I just recently replaced my penguin filter on my 35 gallon with a canister filter ,and I love it! (fluval 305)
GoneFishing said:
So I have the stock filter that came with my 29 gal tank and was looking to upgrade to a nicer one (seeing how a few people said my current one is junk). I was wondering what your take was on a bio-wheel filter? On a different forum I remember almost everyone bashing these filters so I would like to see what you guys say.

The tank kit I got (about 8 months ago) is:

The filter that comes in this kit is a Top Fin 30, which would be the best possible upgrade with the filters that are out there?

The kit also came with a 100 W Neptune Submersible Heater, from what I know this is good for 25 gallons and under? which heater would be a good upgrade.. also for the heat, I would like to say I'm in Tucson. Not sure if that contributes to water temp.. the house is cooled to 72-78 degrees throughout the summer.. thanks again for all the help and advice!

I would recommend you the HOB filter AquaClear. It is good and have a lot of options to use in the chamber. The penguin biowheel is good also, for a 30g tank I would suggest you the 200, better be over than under in filtration.
Everyone on these boards will tell you that the best HoB filter you can find will be the AquaClear series. It has a very large filter media area, which makes it more customizable than other filters.

The question that has to be asked when considering the bio-wheel filters is this: does the bio-wheel give any more benefit to maintaining the biological filter than any other filters on the market? Considering how much people like the AC filters, the answer seems to be no.

I've also heard that if the bio-wheel gets clogged and stops turning, you could lose 1/2 of whatever bacteria population was on it when it dries out.
I too have heard lots of good things about aquaclear filters (I have just never used one... lol)
I've also heard good things about Aquaclear filters because I believe they have a lot of room for media. I've had my Emperor 400 HOB filter probably since the mid 90s, the exact date is fuzzy. I inherited it from my parents when they stopped using their 55g saltwater aquarium and I set up a freshwater with it and it still runs golden.
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