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  1. R

    Altering pH naturally

    It has been a while since I have logged on and read in the forums and posted in them and so I ask that you please forgive me if my questions have been answered elsewhere and feel free to point me in the right direction. I am coming out of a period of being lazy about doing fish tank...
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    Setting Up 55 Gallon Tank On Wooden Floor

    I am moving a 55 gallon tank to my new place. The main floor seems to be wooden with (I believe) a crawlway or something below it. This townhouse was built toward the end of the 60's or in the early 70's. Should I be concerned that the weight of the full 55 gallon tank could do structural...
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    General Fish Behavior

    What fish have really neat behavior and/or personalities? For example the tiger oscar and red devil can easily be trained to take food from your fingers? Some fish pace the tank with you when hungry, such as the molly. Other fish will gather where you are once you open the tank lid in...
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    Fish dying of cold water?

    Over the weekend the heater in our 20 gallon tank at work failed. I found our upside down catfish and 2 gold pristella tetras dead. Later in the day our mother platy died. This morning I found our other 2 gold pristella's dead and one of our glow light tetras. In this same tank I still...
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    New Baby Fish

    This morning when I arrived at work I saw a baby platy in our 20 gallon tank. My initial reaction was surprise since our male platy was dead. I quickly moved the baby to a breeding container to make sure no one eats it. Upon examining my records I found that the male platy died 16 Sep 04. As...
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    Better for fish to be moved with net or hands?

    When you must move your fish, which way do you believe is better for the fish and why. Moving them with a net or with your hands? I usually use a net, however when I moved my fish to our new home at the end of August I didn't have a large enough net for my larger fish. I simply cornered...
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    What kind of algae eater should I get?

    At work I have a 20 gallon long tank with 2 mollies, 4 gold pristella tetras, 3 glowlight tetras, 1 upside down catfish, and 2 platies. I want to get a algae eater that won't grow too big. I know the ottos would be perfect in size, but I don't think I want to risk having them die due to...
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    Schooling Fish

    I have read a few things about schooling fish and have a few questions about them. Do schooling fish stick together best in large tanks or small tanks? Which fish do you think school the best? Why?
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    Mixing Fish Most People Say Are Incompatible

    On 17 Jan 2004 I put my first aggressive fish into my 55 gallon tank. At that time a number of community and semi-aggressive fish including 2 diamond tetras, 1 emperor tetra, 1 black neon tetra, 1 silver lyre-tail molly, black molly, blue powder gourami, 2 cherry barbs, 1 dawn platy, 1 pleco...
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    Watched Posts

    How do I remove a post from being one of my watched posts?
  11. R

    Unlikely Convict Cichlid Tank Mate

    For those interested in convict cichlid's you might like this. Since 16 Dec 2003 I have had my 6 inch long convict cichlid living with a plain (not fancy) guppy in a 20 gallon tank. The guppy is about a half inch long. This was not planned, as I don't want the guppy to get eaten. However on...
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    Mr Fiddler Crab Carrying Miss Fiddler Crab

    This morning upon arriving at work I saw one of our male fiddler crabs walking semi upside down. He was carrying our female fiddler crab upside down. At first I thought she was dead and that he was carting off a meal. When I saw her move my thoughts shifted to she's not yet dead but about...
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    Female Fiddler Crab Molting

    Our female fiddler crab is molting inside our fish tank at work. She is out in the open and not quite free of her old shell yet. This is cool! I've never seen a crab molt and figured the crabs would hide somewhere before molting. Does anyone know how long the process takes?
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    Baby Red Devil

    Yesterday a friend and co-worked (Rodney) gave me a baby fish called a red devil. It is about a half inch long. I chose this fish because it might not grow as large as a tiger oscar (depends on what book or online fish site you refer to) and yet you can train them to eat from your finger. I...
  15. R

    Tiger Oscars

    I am considering getting a tiger oscar. One of the things I am concerned about is their potential size and rate of growth. Do albino tiger oscars and/or red oscars grow as large as the normal tiger oscar? Do they have the same personality as the normal tiger oscar? Are there any other fish...
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    Gold Fish Won't Eat

    Friday night, a friend of mine moved 3 gold fish from a bowl to a 10 gallon tank. We believe the water was colder when he finished. He does not think the fish have eaten since the move unless they ate something while scavenging on the bottom. They usually it the fish food while it is on the...
  17. R

    Recommendations for tank with community & aggressive fis

    I have a mix of fish (and one turtle) in my large fish tank that by most books is considered anywhere from poor planning to outright impossible. I started mixing these supposed incompatible fish just because the books indicated I couldn't do it (or it wasn't recommended). I have been relying...
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    My Turtle and Convict Cichlid

    My red eared slider turtle is about 6 inches long now. He has lived in my 55 gallon tank for about a month and a half now. He seems to get along well with the fish. My 8 inch long pleco often tries to push him out of the way to keep him away from the shrimp pellets. He just digs his claws...
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    Sick Tiger Oscar

    I believe a tiger oscar I care for is sick. To complicate matters, I left the heater unplugged after a water change on the 27th of March. The tank temp was at 66F. I changed all the water in the tank to remove remains of medicine (Clout) and any free floating infections. The temp is now at...
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    Cracked 10 Gallon Tank

    I read a number of the posts about leaks and cracked glass before writing this post. I found none that seem to apply to my problem so I am posting it here to get your advice. I have a 10 gallon tank that I emptied to give it a complete cleaning after using it for a sick fish. After emptying...
  21. R

    Black Molly with White specks

    My black molly has white specks on its side, sailfin, mouth, and around its eyes. Around the eye it looks puffy. He is acting normal right now. He was fine when I left work on Friday and this morning I found him like that. What would be the best treatment for him? I'm thinking it is Ick...
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    Powerhead vs Whisper filter

    I am wondering if a powerhead filter will generate more of a water flow than the whisper filters I use. I have an undergravel filter in my 10 gallon tank but my air pump filter isn't working well so I have been considering a powerhead since it looks like it would fit on the top of the large...
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    I bought more fish

    I bought 13 more fish over the weekend. Some of which were mentioned or recommended by Somethingfishy. Thanks, they look great so far. I bought 6 tiger barbs. They are about 1 inch long and put them in my 55 gallon tank. I moved my 2 inch long tiger barb from my 20 gallon to my 55 gallon so...
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    Convict cichlid the excavator! (Behavior questions)

    I have one convict cichlid (6 inches long) in my 55 gallon tank. I think this fish is male. He has a large bump on his head. I believe he is the fish that is moving all the gravel in my tank. If this speculation is true then he has 3 spots cleared of gravel. My question is, do male convict...
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    Photos of my fish

    I finally got some decent pictures of some of the fish I have. We got a Minolta Maxxum camera for Christmas which I promptly used to take some pictures of my fish. Today I scanned them using our scanner and now I can show them to you. This first one has my firemouth cichlid with my convict...
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