29 gallon planted stock ideas

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I no they r cories my dad has his own lfs n I have kept them for over 16 years, even dustin on YouTube has cories which at bout 2 n a half inches long
SwimsWithFish said:
The current list is
7 bloodfins
10 neons
5 Cory's
How many more fish can I get? Any ideas for a centerpiece?

Well if you need one i would suggest gourmis but sence you have neons that seems like a bad idea.... Rams are sensitive, but if you get german blue rams they are more hardy
richpowell1989 said:
I no they r cories my dad has his own lfs n I have kept them for over 16 years, even dustin on YouTube has cories which at bout 2 n a half inches long

Two and a half is normal adult size. Four is huge.
Stock comfirmation

I think I have a stock list for my future 29 planted...
7 bloodfin tetras
10 neon tetras
2 dwarf gouramis
6 peppered Cory's
10 rcs
5 ghost shrimp
2 mystery snails

What do you think?
Honestly, if you are attached to the shrimp, your centerpiece options are really limited. Rams will hunt down and eat the shrimp one by one, especially if your tank is not heavily planted.
Seems to be good.

is it cycled? and ^they are only delicate when you get from a bad source(cough*petco*):)

if i were you, i'd personally make it a giant school of 1 fish VS. the other fish.;)
TheFishBoss97 said:
Seems to be good.

is it cycled? and ^they are only delicate when you get from a bad source(cough*petco*):)

if i were you, i'd personally make it a giant school of 1 fish VS. the other fish.;)

No this won't be set up till after my reef tank;) and I'm pretty sure I want a community:D
Yeah I chose the gouramis. My stock confirmation thread is up in the general discussion.
Why did you just start another thread when you already have thread about stocking this community? It easier for people to help you if you just have one thread. Its also against the community rules to start multiple threads asking the same question, just so you know. :)
I agree about the dg. The stocking is fine, but they can have issues. Also, be aware that sometimes they don't get along with each other. Also, there is a good chance they will eat your shrimp.
WOAH!!! Idea!!!! I'll just have to keep the 10g going as a shrimp tank:) hehehe.... Alright so no shrimp. Does that change my options? Will the DG neons be ok?
Threads merged. Please start only one thread per topic.

If you can get a DG to survive for any length of time, I would NOT expect it to be a threat to neons.
Well since I am not going to have shrimp maybe a pair of rams isn't a bad idea? Alright so:
7 bloodfins
10 neons
5 peppered corys
2 German blue rams
3 Khuli loaches?

What'd ya think?
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