Aquarium turtle advice please!

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Geez even doing things in an aquarium the cheap way is expensive. Thank God for tax returns. I'm at about 300 dollars and the tank isn't even set up. Wat I've done for free or really cheap so far:

made turtle basking area = free
Turtle basking heat lamp and UVB = free
Making dirted substrate from organic choice potting mix and organic red clay = 15$ (not complete yet tho)
DIY filter media = 10$
Aquatop CF300 filter = 45$
HOB power filter = free (gift)
Tank+stand combo = 75$ (from Craigslist)

Now the expensive brand new stuff:
T5 HO 24" = 65$
spare strip light 24" = 40$ (fits under bask area. Worth it)
One t5 ZM flora sun light bulb = 18$
One t5 ZM ultra sun light bulb = 18$
Plus about 13$ in sales taxes

Geez and I still have a good 200 to 250 to go for turtle food and fish food not to mention the turtle and fish. Also the plants and the sand (for capping dirt, no worries on anaerobic bacteria tho it's large grit sand) I may just tear down my 20g and my 10g and recycle the substrate and plants to save money. I'm also going to find my own rocks and driftwood to save on cash. Any suggestions on where to save money anyone I'm all ears! Lol this is killer on my college budget!


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That's alot of light, are you doing high light plants too? The UVB itself is very bright, plus the three others is it? You could have many plants, they love the UVB too.
Ps, everything is made out to be cheap but added up even the simplest setup can cost alot. You will be glad you spent out tho once you have big a healthy turtle and fish. You will love watching the turtle explore, great to watch them discovering how big their shell is when they are trying to squeeze through gaps, many times mine has got stuck and has had to go wild to get free, exp when they are small it's funny.
I'd spend out again on mine, he's so worth it.
Oh ya this thing is gonna be stacked with plants. I know that turtles tear em up but I'm planning on getting quicker growing plants. That way when the turtle eats them they'll come back strong hopefully. And ya I know it'll be worth it for sure because I've done 80% of the work on it myself. I'll appreciate it more. How does CO2 systems affect turtles? I was planning on a DIY co2 system for the plants but someone told me it was bad for the turtle but I'm not getting the musk/mud anymore I'm thinking an Ouchita map or a southern painted. Any Idea on that?
Basic care would be the same but I would expect them both to use the basking area more than a musk. Have a look on google for diet tips in how to keep them healthy, when to change foods etc and what they like to eat most.

I don't know about co2. It's odd for water chemistry to affect turtles alot as they breathe air alot of the time, so a filter would purely be for waste and not water aeration. However I havnt even approached the subject so I havnt researched that at all. I would err on the side of caution and try staying low tech at least untill you see how quick they rip plants out, and if its worth it in the first place. If your plants get destroyed in a few days and won't come back buying co2 now would be pointless. If I come across anything about co2 and turtles I'll let u know.
Ya thanks alot. I have all the stuff to make the co2 system but luckily I didn't buy it bc I go it out of my kitchen lol. And I agree I should prolly hold off to see how bad the plants get tore up.
So the tank thus far! Obviously needs water in it and wat not. But I have the large items in it. The pics are iPhone pics so if quality is bad I apologize. Plants and water are next steps but I figured I'd give an update.


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I also figure the look of it would be good to if I was unable to keep the plants in it with the turtle.
Looks great. So are you going to order your turtle? Have you decided on which?

Ya I'm going to order it in the next couple weeks sometime. I think imma get either the southern painted or the ouachita map. Not sure tho. I want a northern black knobbed map but those are retarded expensive.
More pics. I had a day off and it just happened to be payday! Lol. For now I'm not gonna buy new plants. I'm just using plants that have multiplied in my other tank. I figure if the turtle decides to tear them up then I am glad I didn't doll out the extra dough. All that's left is the fish and turtle. I'll try and make a video soon.


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Tanks looking really good so far, can't wait to see it rammed with plants, will set it off nicely. Good job, once again love the turtle topper.
Thanks a lot, the compliments and comments are much appreciated. I worked pretty hard on the whole thing and did a lot of research for it. I feel like I'm a low tech genius now haha. Prolly not but you get the point. It'll be a week or so before I get the fish and then the turtle. I'm letting it cycle with one dwarf gaurami in it and seeded it with established tank filter media. The dwarf won't be overtaxed as its such a big tank for a tiny fish with plants even so I'm keeping an eye on the parameters. I'll update as soon as I get the fish. I'm going to go with normal size gauramis and move the dwarf back to the 20 gallon before I introduce them. Stay tuned!
The tank so far! Lots of plants now. New growth on just about all of them. Have 2 gouramis male and female. Albino rainbow. And a rubber lipped pleco.


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Nomadu571 said:
Taking shape nicely. :)

Thanks I'm looking in to getting duckweed or amazon frogbit for the tank too so the turtle will have an overflow of plant life to munch on if he wants.
FYI for those that can't find plants on here The Planted Tank has some awesome plant sales.

h4n has a sales thread up now with Amazon Frogbit for a nice price. No affiliation.
Just put in an order for two ouachita map turtles! I should get them Tuesday! I'll post pics when they come in.
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