Carey's Pico Build!

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I got the new light and to be honest I'm not sure I like it on alone. :-( It has more white in it than the one I had does so it's a whiter led light. BUT with them both running on top of this tiny little 4g tank the color is brilliant!

I'm guessing two Par38 lamps is overkill? Even with alot of coral?
Here's some pictures of the lights.
The first one is the nanotuners blueish one.
The second is just the new light
the third is both on at once.



yah the blue one is definitely very spotlight-like, I like the whiter one alone and both of them together :) Picture colors never look the same as in real life though!
After experimenting with both of the new par38 bulbs I think I need to put back the stock lighting. My mushrooms are not liking the high light and neither are the sun polyps. I just don't have enough room in this 4g.

I will save both the par38 bulbs for my next build. I think they'll be perfect for it!
It's for sure my last 125g build. ;-)

I just have one more idea in my head so I'll probably do that. I may end up with a betta one day too but I wouldnt count that as a "build". lol
So the stock 26W CFL provides enough light for corals? That's good to know. I can probably get one of those then or a par30 instead. I'm curious to see what your next build will be!
Actually, it's gonna be something entirely different from anything I've done in the past. It will be my showstopper. ;-)

And, yep, the stock light had my mushrooms expanding out like crazy adn my zooa's were loving it along with the leathers.

The only one I'm worried about is the acan war frag. I believe it needs alot of light but I'm gonna go look some stuff up and see.

The sun corals don't need any light so I'm set on that. lol

When you go with the PAr bulbs it's kinda hard to find a fixture that can hold the bulb, they weigh close to 1lb each. I searched so many stores to find one it was just silly. hehe

Check this out though. I was gonna get this but at the time they were outta stock, they are now back in stock. It's perfect for this pico size

PAR30 Reef Lamp Kit by BoostLED
Yeah that's the PAR30 I was looking at. Seems like it would be enough for a pico and it has the fixture too. I've read so many pico threads over the past few days .. probably way more than I ever researched my FOWLR haha. I prefer the look of a regular boxy light fixture, but the only options for a tank this small are PAR bulbs or DIY LED, which I don't have the skills for.

How's the goby doing now, does he come out more?
Nope, he still pretty much hides except when I feed him. LOL

I had a link Iwish i could find. has leds and its very neat looking. If I find it I'll post it
I went out lfs browsing today and brought the par38 bulb I just got to the one store that sold it to the guy i bought it from. LOL

It is from there, and is $149! eeek! I paid $30 for it so go me!. It's also 12 3w led's so its way too bright for this small 4g. he suggested it on a larger tank or my refugium so I added it onto my sump for the 125g. Maybe I can get some macro algae growing.

I'm still using the nanotuners par38 bulb and it seems just a tad strong for my mushrooms and sun corals. So I will re arrange the tank and try to get some shade for those guys. My acan is loving the light though as is my candycane.

So apparently 36w is too much for this tank and 15w is about right as far as led's.

Lesson learned.
Kewl beenies, moving right along. Maybe you should call Candy Ham instead as she was just sitting all prim and proper for the camera. :)
My lfs I'm going to today should have my barnacle blenny and my mandarin hopefully. Can't wait to get there! Not sure if I'm gonna take them home today or not, he was supposed to have them for over a week now so tat might be enough QT time.

I'm really thinking I need a bigger pico. I know exactly the one I want too. ;-)

It's just the one I want to upgrade to will be something like the "mystery" build I have in my head. Don't wanna do it twice. LOL

Payday is quickly approaching so I'm on the lookout.
I found a site that par38 bulbs for only 30 and 39" 17w LED strips for 30 so I'm gonna try to buy 6 to make a Fixture with 102w of power for a 55 to grow LPS and a couple of SPS I'll get the name of the site.
They aren't from an aquarium site but I'm sure they'll do as good. I'm actually going to try a different approach and buy 50 3w square modules and hook them up to 3 power sources. The site says I can hook up 50 modules on one power source and each module has 6 .044w LEDS on them. I'll try to go with 20 white LEDs and 30 blue LEDs heres the site they also do custom jobs too so that's a plus. Anyways sorry for hijacking your thread lol.
No problem, I'll check out the link. I'm very interested in what I can do and for how much. Thanks so much!
Np I just got off of the phone with them and got a quote of $200 with shipping for 30 white and 45 blue so 75 modules. Each is 1 1/4". So that's 225w which should be plenty for SPS too. I'm gonna buy a cheap Oddysea PC light hood as a mount so it looks nice and because of the way it can fold upright for easy access. So my final quote is 260. Which is pretty cheap. I'm sure you can do the same for your 125 for under 400. Now to convince my parents for the money lol
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