Dec-Jan: Lets hear about those bargains!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
did u send him the second ammonia kit back or email him and tell him that u got it 2 by mistake
Have you guys been to "glass"? I think that my hubby is ordering me a 75 gallon tank and stand for around $300 that we'll pick up in St. Louis, MO in March for our anniversary. What a sweetie. Have you heard anything bad about them? I'd hate for it to break - but they come with a 20 year warranty. Did I mention that my hubby is a MTS enabler? :lol:
I'm planning to get a tank in May when they come around to my area as well. I might see about an acrylic though, if it isn't too expensive, and about 125 gallons. An acrylic would require less folks to help me get it in the house!
python cheap at

Until 1/31/04 you can buy the 25' python at for $23.97! The 50' is also only $38. That is less than half the price at my local petco or LFS!
Psst! pieces girl!

My fish loving Pieces has designed some breeding betta havens to specially fit her shelving unit (a rivit rack made pretty)and this is what her documents have pasted into text....most info is in her aol screenname.

Quote: 32x14x10/12" 3/8" top with no brace and one
8x26" top hole. 1/4" construction besides top piece.
$70.00 10" ht $78.00 12" ht. Clear back tanks,
either curved front sides or straight sides. my ttl 133 fixeed
Add $40.00 for two removable dividers and $25.00 for my ttl 48adj
fixed partitions. Tank divided in three equal
sections. they are located in
NoCal kritterkeepers

10x10x10" cubes: 5 per sheet at $45.00 ea.1/4"
$35.00 ea 1/8" construction.
either bent front corners or square corners.
Let me know if you are interested. 135 ttl / 3
Shipping: $30.00 for ea 20 Gal tank ttl 205 for/ 5
$30.00 for all the smaller tanks

These are for acrylic tanks by someone who assembles nice stuff . My daughter barely missed a bid for one on E-bay (she was held back by MY paypal balance..... :oops: ) and decided to contact the vendor
they are located in NoCal kritterkeepers
glass cages is somewhat cheaper, but for shippping this far west (WA), the cost will end up equal, and my daughter wants 'Specific "sizes
i got a 75 gallon tank, beautiful oak stand and glass top for $250.00 yesterday, i actually went to buy a 46 bow front, this was priced at $548.00 originally--marked down to $349.00 and i talked them down to the final price of $250.00 total.. :D
spellweaver9 said:
i got a 75 gallon tank, beautiful oak stand and glass top for $250.00 yesterday, i actually went to buy a 46 bow front, this was priced at $548.00 originally--marked down to $349.00 and i talked them down to the final price of $250.00 total.. :D

Dang, as a woman I hate haggling. This wasn't at a Petco large chain like that was it? Probably an LFS?
Sati-- i hate haggling to but sometimes i just cant shut my mouth-haha i got it at a store called pet depot- i live in alabama, i think they are only in this area. :D
Pet depot? I live in alabama my self, and have never heard of the place, but I am not sure where in alabama you are. Of course, here in mobile, there is one, what I call, real pet store, then of course petsmart. Also have a smaller store that stocks some fish, but I dont shop there much. The one store I have found I can bargin with them alot, get them to drop prices, you name it. Today even I took back a light I had bought 5 months ago, and they replaced it and upgraded it for free. So I basically got the new light for half of what they sell it for. Now thats what I call a deal.
Well, by proxy i did great, my points are climbing(looks at My Paypal paid list) daughter has snagged nib on eBay.....
2 new Biolife 35 pseudo wet/drys
Terminator UV sterilizer
2 RELIABLE 400 watt power sources Xantrex Powerplus
4 Insulated live-ship Shipping containers
Bacterzyme 3 containers with non expired dates
10 fake silk plants
3 50 hagen Thermal Compacts
2 100 watts
A LOT box of 1"airstones
4 bubble wands
a case of coppersafe(date not mentioned)
a case of amquel(date not mentioned)
a box of boxes of Tetracycline from Aquatronics(with stated non expired date)
fishkeeping logbooks
3 Profile 5500 Air pumps
10 live plants from a local supplier(waterstar, crypt, java)
A mixed lot
A roll of background

Some misc bonus stuff

The total? 225 plus she has in 60 pending bids. 8O She was going to pay near 200 just for the biolifes earlier.
She has four "wish list" things not crossed out; I think she made out pretty good. She watched the site like a hawk to find all this stuff. . Sometimes not in fish at all. :? :lol:
One of our LFS here in Mobile,AL does two'fer tuesdays on the second tuesday of each month. FW fish and liveplants are buy one get the second for only $0.02 :D !
Yesterday I picked up 15 Neon Tetras for $5. and 2 Banded Rainbows for $10.. Replacements for the Lemons and Neon I lost last week.
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