Fluval Flora Build Thread

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Those chili rasboras are sweet! Could I keep 2 chili rasboras and 4 Clown Killifish in the Flora? And are chili rasboras easy to breed? (I don't know why I am so obsessed with breeding latley)
Well, the guy I'm getting these from kept his 9 in a 5.5g... I'm not familiar with the killis, but I really think 6 chillis would be a better idea.
6 chili rasboras would be awesome! What is there Max size/ behavior.
Well, that might be what they're originally from, but they'll do just fine in a high light tank... and blackwater is tannin stained, not something very many people actually replicate.
I like the chillis as well. They are the ones I will put in there. And I will just have to get some more tanks for the other kinds :). I may have already asked this but how many chilli rasboras can I put in the 7.9 gallon tank?
mfdrookie516 said:
Yeah, you already asked ;) But, 6-8 is what I'd recommend. A nice little school of them.

How many should I add right after I put the old filter media in the new tank?
mfdrookie516 said:
I would add them all at once. With such a small bioload, those should be fine. Then in a couple weeks, you could add the killis in.

Wow! I thought all I could put in the tank is 8 chilli rasboras, I can put clown killifish in there as well :). That just made my day :D. How many clown killifish could I add?
mfdrookie516 said:
I know nothing about them. Looking at the pictures and information online, I dont see why you could do 2 of them.

Cool! Well I am headed to go see the new pirates of the carribean thanks for your help! And I hope I get some of the stuff in the mail today.
Nothing came today :(. I am so obsessive compulsive lol. I am looking for a plant that grows in little mounds (like the phoenix moss) but I want it to grow faster. I think some of those moss balls would be cool but I had a bad experience with them (a tun of algae grew off it and consumed my tank) did I do something wrong with them or is that what they do? And would pellia be a good choice?
mfdrookie516 said:
moss balls are algae!

I knew that.... but I thought that the ball would just get bigger and bigger not send out little strings of algae everywhere. I am not going to buy one again. Okey I am goin to ask this question: in your opinion what plants/hard scape would you do if you had an empty fluval Flora? (I know your first response will be "it is up to you" but I want your opinion)
Well, obviously, as you said, your preference... YOU are the one who needs to enjoy it... But, I think that dwarf baby tears up front, blyxa japonica in the back, and some dwarf hairgrass spread around would look fantastic.
mfdrookie516 said:
Well, obviously, as you said, your preference... YOU are the one who needs to enjoy it... But, I think that dwarf baby tears up front, blyxa japonica in the back, and some dwarf hairgrass spread around would look fantastic.

You have good taste, I was thinking about doing something like that. I only wanted to add a small prtion of Phoenix moss (I will have to start an add in the classifieds to find some)
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