Help!!! I don't think my clown pleco is eating

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 18, 2012
Philadelphia, PA
I'm not sure if my clown pleco is eating. I tried giving him algae thins but all the other fish (1 Clown pleco, 9 neon tetras, 2 long-finned red minor tetras, 3 dalmatian mollies, 2 zebra danios, 6 guppies) continue to eat it. Any thoughts on how to prevent that. Yeah, I know about feeding him at night when my other fish are sleeping, but I sleep before they do. I also tried some lettuce, he didn't even take a second look at it. And today, after arriving home from work, I saw some of his dorsal fin missing, so if you know which fish would've done that, please let me know:) Lastly, I don't have any driftwood in the tank right now so he really doesn't have a home, he sleeps under rocks, is that alright? I was wondering if that's why he's not eating or isn't safe from the other fish. It doesn't even matter anyway but I was just curious because I'm getting driftwood tmr.

"Tank" you :lol: in advance
Try to get driftwood soon as not only will it provide a home, but the pleco can suck it in and digest it
Is this a fairly new established tank? Is the tank still a new enviroment for your pleco? They can be timid and somewhat unsociable until they get accustom to their surroundings. I would advise putting some driftwood in the tank because your clown pleco needs it as part of his diet. You also need to supplement his diet with something meat based every so often. As far as the lettuce, he may just not like lettuce. Mine won't do much with lettuce but prefers squash or zuccinni. Try cutting up some squash or zuccinni up in 1/4" discs & run a piece of fishing line thru them with a weight on each end to let them float just above the bottom. Leave it in the tank for about 24 hrs & you will probably see nothing left but the rings of skin left. You may even catch him hanging off of one of the discs as he eats. You can also drop an algea wafer or 2 in the bottom as you turn out the light at night.

As far as the damaged fin, lm going to blame that on your minor tetras. They are also referred to as Serpea tetras & are notorious for fin nipping especially if you only have 2. They are schooling fish & tend to be more aggresive in small numbers. If your tank can handle a few more fish, l would add 3 or 4 more of the minor tetras. They will school together, and be more apt to leave the other fish alone.

I hope this helps & let us know as he gets more comfortable & starts eating more. :)
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Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. But unfortunately, I found Nemo dead this morning. But the good news is that the driftwood came today and got another Clown Pleco. Nemo II. Again, thanks for the help.

kchung5299 said:
Thanks for the help, I appreciate it. But unfortunately, I found Nemo dead this morning. But the good news is that the driftwood came today and got another Clown Pleco. Nemo II. Again, thanks for the help.


I'm really sorry to hear he died! I would definitely up your school lo serpea tetras though. That will probably help you next pleco. Tell Nemo II that lm rooting for him lol
Haha! Nemo II is lighter in color, lighter in color, and less timid. Are there any relations between them? And she is LOVING the driftwood. So far, I haven't seen her anywhere but on it. I just hope she survives, first casualty in a long time. But if she doesn't make, I guess it would be fate telling me it was never meant to be haha

kchung5299 said:
Haha! Nemo II is lighter in color, lighter in color, and less timid. Are there any relations between them? And she is LOVING the driftwood. So far, I haven't seen her anywhere but on it. I just hope she survives, first casualty in a long time. But if she doesn't make, I guess it would be fate telling me it was never meant to be haha


Yes there is probably a correlation. If she is much more active, she is probably healthier! The first 1 may have been unhealthy & it would not have mattered what you did. Sounds like she is off to a good start.
kchung5299 said:
uhhhh Houston, we have a problem. I have this piece of decor in my tank, Top Fin® Copper Domed Castle on Rock Ornament - Decorations - Fish - PetSmart
and Nemo II is in the left tower. Will I have to get her out or can she escape herself because I don't want want her to be stuck up there and die :( Please Help

Looking at it online, l would say that she should be able to get out. She should be able to turn around and get out the same way she got in. Keep an eye on her if your not sure though and try to coax her out if you think she has been in it too long.
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