How many corys in a 20 gallon?

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I think 5 Cory fish would be ok in a 20 gallon tank, or 4, not sure. And I do not know if they are male, or female. Do Corys breed, or eat their babies? like guppies do.
If you have males and females,yes they can breed. They are eggs layers so they don't usually eat their young but they do sometimes eat their own eggs after laying them. If you have a month, let me tell you about my breeding Sterbais that drove me crazy. ( I did eventually get babies. (y) ) :lol::lol::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::blink::blink::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::lol:
I meant at least 3 .... no less than 3 .
Like a lot of fish, they liketo be with more of their kind
3 seems to be the minimum.

BTW I now have 5 Panda Corys in my 10 gal tank as they started to breed
So, I got rid of the one that looked like a female.

Of course, this is in addition to my other fish and weekly water changes are absolutely necessary

BTW, they did not eat their fry. :)
Where are you going to put your bettas? Are you going to get them each a tank? Bettas usually can't be kept together. And if they are with other fish you need to be careful about which types are in there as bettas may KILL other fish if they mistake them for another betta.
I have two 6.5 gallons tanks.

Where are you going to put your bettas? Are you going to get them each a tank? Bettas usually can't be kept together. And if they are with other fish you need to be careful about which types are in there as bettas may KILL other fish if they mistake them for another betta.

I have two 6.5 gallons tanks. I would never put two Beta's together, that is why I have 2 sep tanks. I also have my 20 gallon, for my other fish. So no worries the fish would be sep into their own tanks. i also have a lot of fake silk plants in the tanks. :thanks::dance:(y):fish2::fish2::fish2:
How many Corydoras, can I put in a 20 gallon tank, along with 9 glow Tetra fish? :fish1::fish2:

Hi, For a 20 gal tank long 6-8, for a 20 gal high at lest 6. I have same cory myself and it kind of looks like my Pepper cory. Right now I have 3 in 10 gal, working on getting a 36 gal.

With them on there own fish can get depressed. Grated my fish like to rest at the bottom and then search for food. I would see how his breathing is. If it fast breaths. He not doing well. It hard to see in the video.

Hope everything works out.


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It’s general consensus to keep Cory’s in a school of 6 or more, but like mentioned I’m sure 3 is just fine, I don’t think I’d put just one in there though!

I started out with 3 in my 75 as that was all that I could get at the time and they seemed just as happy as they are now with 6 of them. They tend to hang out in groups of 2 or 3 for the most part I’ve found

Given you’d like to stock this tank fairly heavily I would probably keep the Cory count to 3 or 4 so you don’t overrun the bottom of the tank with them as well as allowing some ‘overhead’ to stock a little heavier on other fish
Are you talking to me, or to BlueRosenBloom

It’s general consensus to keep Cory’s in a school of 6 or more, but like mentioned I’m sure 3 is just fine, I don’t think I’d put just one in there though!

I started out with 3 in my 75 as that was all that I could get at the time and they seemed just as happy as they are now with 6 of them. They tend to hang out in groups of 2 or 3 for the most part I’ve found

Given you’d like to stock this tank fairly heavily I would probably keep the Cory count to 3 or 4 so you don’t overrun the bottom of the tank with them as well as allowing some ‘overhead’ to stock a little heavier on other fish

Are you talking to me, or to BlueRosenBloom? I have a 20 gallon, and I already ordered my 7 Cory's fish, they are on the way to me. I have a 6.5 gallon tank, could I put my 3 red eyed tetra's in a 6,5 gallon tank?
That was to you. With what you originally posted for stocking with the 9 glo tetra, 3 red eye and now 7 Cory would be a pretty comfortable bioload on a 20 gal.

I don’t think you’d have to move the red eye’s out of the tank at all, just watch the tank fairly close for a while and make sure water quality doesn’t get out of hand too quick

The tank should handle a little more bioload, but there’s a lot of variables at play and every tank acts different. The last thing anyone wants is a tank that requires constant attention or a tank that’s maxed out with only one or 2 types of fish leaving no room for future expansion!
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