ph level too high

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I think your ok there, but then add the other 4 a week later, wait two weeks, add half the cories, wait a week, add the other half, wait two weeks, add half the barbs, wait a week, add the other half, wait two weeks. Add all the neons, wait three weeks, add the pleco, wait two weeks, add both bolivians, wait two weeks, THEN add the rainbow shark.
can he private message you?

YOU tell him about the shark and the black skirts! He is stubborn, but no, I won't buy them. :)

His name is Reebok357 and he is good to go now.
He is trying to send you a message and it says your inbox is full. Is there another way to contact you?
Oh, homedog just needs to empty her inbox. I may have contributed to that. He can pm me too if he wants. We are a very welcoming community, lol. I'm actually thirteen too.
Or you can contact him at Reebok357 on here! WHEW! Thank god for you because my brain hurts.
Haha. Yeah. I'll look him up. Tell him Bettababe will be messaging him so he expects me to and doesn't think I'm a weirdo or something. Lol.
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