Really Easy Quick Betta Question

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I'm not an expert on this, but I'm sure they can. Bettas are carnivores, so this is something to keep in mind. I feed mine a pellet made specifically for bettas and just picked up some freeze dried blood worms to feed on occasion. I have heard that some bettas are picky eaters.
They can be fed occasionally to bettas as a treat, maybe once a week. I wouldn't feed tropical flakes to a betta as his primary diet. JessieVB is correct that bettas are carnivores, so they need protein-based foods. The tropical flakes may not be as high in protein as the betta foods. I feed betta pellets and freeze-dried bloodworms to my bettas.
I've been feeding my betta that is in my community tank tropical flakes. I've tried to give him betta pellets and he can't get to them before the glofish, even if I put them right in front of his face. What should I do about that?
Betta pellets are best. I give mine dried tubifex worm and frozen bloodworms but both my bettas prefer flakes.:confused:. They will however eat most of what is put in front of them.

Not to hijack this thread but try feeding the glofish on one side of the tank and feed the betta on the other side.
Well ok so I bought betta pellets obviously but I have my betta (female) in a 1 gal. hexagon tank w/ an air pump but it doesnt seem to want to eat the pellets either. What should I do?
I had a betta once, when he was new, that didn't eat for a week. Bettas can be very picky. Keep offering the food you want them to eat and they will try it eventually.

It also helps to soak the food for about two minutes in a small cup of tank water before feeding. The food absorbs water in the cup and not in the stomach, which could cause bloat.
Antiasg is bang on, bettas take some time to get used to new foods and surroundings. Be patient, the betta will come around.
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