Teen aquarists

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Whoa whoa whoa.... Hold on here. I asked which filter are we talking about? Fluval, marineland, or rena and which one do you think is leaky??
I never said that all of them were no-gos.

No, the ones i posted the link too are no-gos. I'm still thinking fluval, rena, or marineland.
I was talking about the Rena being leaky. Also, cr8zy I would have taken a picture of them in the tank, but everything needs to settle down first :/ ill do it first time tomorrow bud :)

1$ is nothing! I would've gotten like 10 :0 they're so cool.
Deathclaw, your Julii was just so cute, I went and got 3. They were 4$ each, the cheapest I've seen 0.0 acclimating them now.

That's awesome!!! Post some pics sometime!!! My juli was 6.99 but I got a discount so it was 6 :)
Sydney, 14, currently have a 25 gal FW Planted, 5.5 Gal Planted, 2x3 Gal Planted. Getting 6-8 ten gallons, a 20 L, and an acrylic 25 gal hex along with a couple hundred pounds of gravel, a bunch of filters, heaters, cleaning supplies, pumps, a few fiberglass grow out tanks, and numerous other items from a guy of CL today to start my fish room.
I am going to be breeding Nano and Oddball/Hard-to-find fish along with shrimps, snails, and of course, FW plants.
Here are some pics of my 25 gallon tank, newly planted. Haven't gotten the scape down yet.


That's an awesome tank I like how its almost a cube
That's an awesome tank I like how its almost a cube


Honestly, I'm not a fan of the shape. It's tall and fairly narrow, so scaping it is kinda a pain. And, since I'm short, cleaning it is too! :rolleyes: When I need to reach the bottom, the water goes all the way up to my shoulder.
Ssshhrriiimmpp :)
Jp lol

Heehee. I do have amano shrimp, and a CPO :) I am wanting to order some more Amano shrimp soon, hopefully they will help!


So the tanks I bought from craigslist, hard water stain city! And the lights, filters, other equipment also :ermm: Going to take awhile, and a lot of vinegar to clean them :lol:
Heehee. I do have amano shrimp, and a CPO :) I am wanting to order some more Amano shrimp soon, hopefully they will help!


So the tanks I bought from craigslist, hard water stain city! And the lights, filters, other equipment also :ermm: Going to take awhile, and a lot of vinegar to clean them :lol:

Amanos are cool, mine are red :p

That's alot of effort lol. I just power washed with hot water to clean all of my stuff.
Well I got most of the equipment organized in boxes till it is ready to use, but it needs to be cleaned. Got all the tanks cleared of gravel (bright blue, gross, and more natural looking stuff I will keep since it's there, even though I am not a huge fan of it) and tomorrow, I will soak the tank walls in vinegar to (hopefully) get rid of all the hard water stains, and then they will be ready to set up! My plans for the 20 Long is to get a breeding colony of Ameca Splendens aka Butterfly Splitfins aka live bearing cichlid! Here is a picture of one from seymourfish.com


I am very excited to get some of these guys!

Plans for the ten gals
Dwarf Guppies
Nano Fish (tetras and rasboras)
Dwarf Loaches
Trio of Dwarf Puffers
Killi Fish
And a few others I can't think of right now, it's late ;)

For now, they will house a few of my male bettas, I will probably see if I can divide the tanks in half or thirds. In a few months after my parents get over the shock of all these new tanks, I will purchase a few more ten gallons and a few 20 gals. Unfortunantly, since I am going to college in four years (so soon?!) I don't want to get too many tanks.
Wow you're really lucky that you parents let you have all of those tanks!(y) my parents won't even let me get a second but I can see where they're coming from with me having football practice everyday on top of highschool homework... Please post a pic or two when you get all of those tanks set up. Good luck:)
Well I got most of the equipment organized in boxes till it is ready to use, but it needs to be cleaned. Got all the tanks cleared of gravel (bright blue, gross, and more natural looking stuff I will keep since it's there, even though I am not a huge fan of it) and tomorrow, I will soak the tank walls in vinegar to (hopefully) get rid of all the hard water stains, and then they will be ready to set up! My plans for the 20 Long is to get a breeding colony of Ameca Splendens aka Butterfly Splitfins aka live bearing cichlid! Here is a picture of one from seymourfish.com

I am very excited to get some of these guys!

Plans for the ten gals
Dwarf Guppies
Nano Fish (tetras and rasboras)
Dwarf Loaches
Trio of Dwarf Puffers
Killi Fish
And a few others I can't think of right now, it's late ;)

For now, they will house a few of my male bettas, I will probably see if I can divide the tanks in half or thirds. In a few months after my parents get over the shock of all these new tanks, I will purchase a few more ten gallons and a few 20 gals. Unfortunantly, since I am going to college in four years (so soon?!) I don't want to get too many tanks.

Live bearing cichlids?! I thought it was either egg laying or mouth brooding for cichlids. :eek:. They look pretty cool though btw. ;). Dwarf guppies? I've never heard of them. Can't wait till you get that trio of dwarf puffers! I love puffers but don't have a tank that is meant for them. :(. Dang, in a few months, your gonna have like so many 10 and 20 gals........... You are so lucky you have that much space. Lol. I can't believe college is so close!! :facepalm: I am SO excited. ?. But at least there are some colleges nearby that I want to go to and may not need to live in a dorm ( hopefully ).
Live bearing cichlids?! I thought it was either egg laying or mouth brooding for cichlids. :eek:. They look pretty cool though btw. ;). Dwarf guppies? I've never heard of them. Can't wait till you get that trio of dwarf puffers! I love puffers but don't have a tank that is meant for them. :(. Dang, in a few months, your gonna have like so many 10 and 20 gals........... You are so lucky you have that much space. Lol. I can't believe college is so close!! :facepalm: I am SO excited. dde10. But at least there are some colleges nearby that I want to go to and may not need to live in a dorm ( hopefully ).

I think he may have been mistaken. Amera splendens is in the Goodeid family, not in the Cichlid family. Pretty and rare nonetheless!
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