Bleach or not?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 28, 2017
Canada :)
So I just want some info on bleaching a tank, for the full story as to why, you can go here http:// Some members suggested I still bleach the tank, it's an acrylic tank, but I've been told by others to never use bleach on an acrylic tank :/ If you read my first post, it explains the cleaning process I went through with pure white vinegar which is a disinfectant and kills bacteria. So my question is, should I still use bleach/is in needed/necessary? is it safe to use on this type of tank? right now, my bettas all have a 3 gallon, I'm hoping to eventually upgrade them to 5 gallons, but for now, this is what they have. If I do need to bleach, how do I do about it the right way? thanks guys :D

I just want to be very,very,very,very certain on the next step, because I don't want my new Betta getting velvet, but I also don't want to kill him with bleach if I do something wrong.
I would highly recommend not to use bleach. Especially in acrylic you can have chlorides leech into the plastic and slowly poison your water.

As a side note I would highly recommend not cleaning anything with bleach that has recently been cleaned with vinegar.

Vinegar is a weak acid and has the potential to react with bleach and other chlorine products. This reaction can create a hazardous and toxic cloud of chlorine gas which can cause death or permanent lung damage among other things.

If you are unsure give it a couple days and go back over it with vinegar again.
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