Just A Few Questions...

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 20, 2022
Near Reno, NV, USA
I just recently became interested in keeping my own aquarium and have a few questions about the fish. I have a 20 gallon high (Has been around for 3 weeks, not yet cycled) and I am thinking of getting 5 Zebra Danios, 5 Platies, and a Bristlenose pleco after it has cycled. I am also thinking of getting 2 gouramis but can't decide if i want Dwarfs or Honeys. Is this too many fish? Which gourami would be better and how densely should I decorate the tank for one?
Check out www.fishbase.org. This database shows parameters for pretty much everything and helps when stocking your tank. As far as adding fish, I would add s-l-o-w-l-y until you are sure that the tank is cycled. Danios are pretty hardy, so If it were me, I would add them first, wait a week and then add the Gouramis, and so on. Plecos get big so I would rethink that species for a 20 high. My 2 cents.
Also, I have about 6 plastic plants (2 are large and the other 4 are medium - small) and 1 living plant (Don't know what type). I can substitute some of the plastic plants for living ones if you think that would be better for the fish
Ok. If it were me, I would get 2-4 Corys with your gravel. If you can find Dwarf Corys that would be even better for your 20 high. They will do well in gravel, but substrates like Eco-Complete and Flourite have sharp edges that can harm their barbels. As far as plants, assuming that you have low-light, purchase some low light plants for your tank. Plants absorb contaminants in the water and are beneficial for the ecosystem.

After your tank is cycled, Keep up with your Nitrate levels and weekly partial water changes. In my opinion, a 50% change per week maintains the health and well being of your tank. Some will argue the percentage, but I change 50 weekly and have no problems.
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1. U should totally get live plants (especially with that many fishies)

And 2. HONEY GUARAMIS!! super peaceful, full of personality
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