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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
After 3 freakin months of being pregnant COOKIE MY DALMATIAN MOLLY FINALLY GAVE BIRTH! @_____@
I could only find about 8, but 2 escaped to the very bottom and I was tossing debris up by digging for them so they're on their own. But I have 6 now, and the two I thought weren't gonna make it are doing better.

I saw her maybe 10 minutes earlier with a fat stomach and realized SHE WAS SKINNY! so I started darting around, most of the fry were probably scoffed down by my danios,bettas, and gouramis, maybe my other mollies too.
Well, perhaps that's for the best since you are having a time getting rid of your older babies. Congrats on the new ones though. :D
If you only saw 8, you'll probably see lots more by the end of the day.
Yeah, if there are any left I'll just let my other fish pick at them, I now have 2 from Spunky's brood and like 7 from Cookies (one died overnight but the other one's doing okay now) .... 9 new fry is good enough lol.
That happened to some of my fry in my last brood , the one I have now with like 30 females and 6 males.
1 way to look at it is that the stronger fry survive and you naturally cull better fish to give away to friends or take to your local fish store for credits..

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