Bribo's 20 gallon rimless reef/Eventual 40

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Sounds good live aquaria has them for 30$ also I have heard and had friends that have told me that 70-80 percent of them have internal worms depending on wholesaler so be sure to quarantine it, other than that good luck Bribo I am sure you will take care of it!

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I know how you feel lol just because I'm upgrading soon I feel the need to cram all the fish I want into my tank ?

I highly recommend you QT it once you get it. Especially if you're shopping online. If you're shopping locally, try to find one that's eating frozen and if not, that's what the QT is for.

Good luck and keep us updated! :)
Thanks for the support guys! And yes I'll definitely be deworming and finding an eating specimen locally. Gotta cram fish!!!

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Well I haven't seen my new cleaner shrimp in 2 days so he may have bit it :(. No clue why as he was fine before I left this weekend. Grr

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He might just be hiding. I thought I had lost a peppermint to my lion but 2 months later I caught itchasing mysis. Ever since then I see it almost everyday. Don't lose hope :)
Yeah I haven't found any shrimp parts or anything so I'm still hoping :).

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Hopefully! Here's a pic of my fathead dendro to make everything ok lol

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That dendro is awesome, I've wanted to set up an nps tank for a while now. Hopefully the cleaner just molted, and will pop back up in a day or 2
It's getting huge too! And yeah nps tanks IMO can be some of the prettiest reef tanks out there

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my stupid engineer goby stole my duncan and it was getting huge guess he thought it would look good in his cave
my cleaners disappear days at a time than i find a molt and there out again
Lol he sounds like quite the character seaweed! And yeah I'll give him a bit, I'm hoping he is just molting...

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Bribo you should get a bonsai acro just git this pic of mine its amazing

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It's funny you say that Daryl as I've been looking for a nice one for quite a while. A lfs a little ways from me had a mother colony but the guy wanted $80 for a freshly cut 1" piece...
Yours is truly stunning and makes me quite jealous haha

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Have you tried local reefers? I see some nice sized frags for 20-30$ here.
Yeah I just haven't been able to locate a 100% true GARFs bonsai. Most reefers have just typical tricolors. Haha I'm so picky :eek:. I'm going to a frag swap in PEnnsylvannia in 2 weeks so hopefully I can find it there

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I'm hoping along with a gold torch :D

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Ouuuuu well good luck with that! I'm hoping to nail some nice exotic corals when I upgrade as well ;)
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