Ick - Treat the whole tank?

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Best to speed it up by heating the water and thus shortening how long I use meds or keep it the same temp and use the meds longer?

Which is more stressful for the fish?
Lol! Think they are already stressed. But, the faster ich comes off the better they will feel, as to faster recovery. But, it's up to you. Fish in the wild adapt to water temp change all the time. If your gonna turn it up I'd wait till your gonna be there with them most the day. Considering the facts of one fish being covered and the rest only having a spot or two. Could just ride it out and keep doing what your doing.
Well here it is Tuesday, 4 days after my last post. All of the cardinals did die, but none of the other fish. This morning I don't see any sign of white spots on the embers. The Ich X says to treat for 3 days after the last sign of white spots. An end is in sight!

Question: I plan to put George back into the 29 gallon and keep the 5 gallon as a quarantine tank. How do I keep a quarantine tank alive with bacteria with no fish in it?
My excuse was I needed a betta in there (and would shift out if needed) to keep cycled. So it became a permanent temporary tank...

I’d just have some filter material in main tank ready to go.
Today is my 3rd full day of no white spots. I talked with the store that sold me the Ich X and they said that normally it solves the problem in 2-3 days and that 5 days is considered a course. But because I've had to treat for 14 days before getting rid of white spots that I must be dealing with a super strain or something really bad is going on. They suggested treating for a full 14 DAYS after no sign of white spots!

I'll do it if I need to, but, wow. That would be 28 days of daily water changes, gravel vacuuming, and treating with meds.

No, I wouldn't. Probably a way of getting you to buy more meds and fish from them. If you see nothing. I'd leave it be. You most likely got rid of the source when the tetras died off. Take a break and relax. Look them over extra good for the next wk. And keep up on weekly water changes to keep the others in good health. Test the water for the next few days when you get everything back together. You can add George if you want too. He seems to have a pretty good immune system. Up to you. But, sounds like everything's doing good. I'd do one last good water change when your ready to get everything back together and feel that everything's ok.
I think it's a pretty reputable shop - They're well known, can I mention them here?

So maybe medicate one last time today, let them go over the weekend. And then do a good water change on Monday to start removing the meds from the tank? OR, just be done with the meds right now and only do a water change today? What do you think?

I think I'll put George back in next week when the meds are more diluted. And my nerite snails. Those poor things have been sitting on hold in a vase (not ignored, I give them wafers and change their water).

I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I think you're right about the cardinals. I didn't listen to that little voice inside that was telling me not to buy from that particular fish store -not the one that sold me the ich X - just the one that sold me the ich!
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If the Cardinals are still infected the other fish more than likely are too just not showing signs imo. But I'm sure there's someone more learned than me here to advise you.
Well, it won't hurt to extend the meds a few more days. Just in case. Myself, hate meds in my tanks. But, if you feel you should then listen to the voice on your head this time around. Lol! I hate ich and I tackle it a lot, because I save fish I like at pet stores around me. Just tackled it last week from getting 2 new betta's. Had it gone within 3 days at first site. heat went to 88° for 2-3 days and water changes with vac. I also pulled the one betta that had about 5,6 spots and floated her in the same tank. She was spotless after 3rd day. day 5 she went back in the tank. Everyone is good. I even qt these fish for a wk before and still got it in my 55g. So qt will be 3wks from now on for me. Crazy...
If the Cardinals are still infected the other fish more than likely are too just not showing signs imo. But I'm sure there's someone more learned than me here to advise you.

Unfortunately all of the cardinals perished. They were so pretty, darn it anyway.
Well, it won't hurt to extend the meds a few more days. Just in case. Myself, hate meds in my tanks. But, if you feel you should then listen to the voice on your head this time around. Lol! I hate ich and I tackle it a lot, because I save fish I like at pet stores around me. Just tackled it last week from getting 2 new betta's. Had it gone within 3 days at first site. heat went to 88° for 2-3 days and water changes with vac. I also pulled the one betta that had about 5,6 spots and floated her in the same tank. She was spotless after 3rd day. day 5 she went back in the tank. Everyone is good. I even qt these fish for a wk before and still got it in my 55g. So qt will be 3wks from now on for me. Crazy...

I'm kind of thinking I should not medicate today. I've already changed the water and vacuumed the gravel. I don't know, maybe I should hit it one more time to cover the life cycle of the little parasite.

So you don't use salt either? Just the heat? I will definitely do the heat treatments from now on. And I will qt the next fish I get. I'm looking forward to getting the corydoras from 3 up to 6. And the embers from 5 to 8 or 10.

Funny story: I put a long mirror in back of the tank this morning so I could see in back where the corydoras hide. The embers spent a lot of time looking at the other embers in the mirror and trying to figure out how to school with them. LOL!
Lol! That's funny! I used salt first sign of it till the tank got heated up. Then second day did a 60% water change added water at same temp as tank 88° and no salt after the first water change. I only use salt if it's really bad. And if its not too bad then only until the temp of the tank gets to where I want it. If you have to heat a tank up like that add an air stone. And make sure all your fish can handle the heat. My pleco is the only fish I have to worry about with salt and heat. But he has done fine for me as long as I add a cucumber or zucchini. Lol! He's in my 75g though. Not much to worry about in that tank. Only when I add plants i get worried sometimes.
Unfortunately all of the cardinals perished. They were so pretty, darn it anyway.
That's a shame, I probably wasn't as hard as your other fish and couldn't take it or maybe more susceptible to the disease.

It's a heartbreak when that happens, just lost a fish myself too after what I thought was a successful week of medication

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