10 gallon restocking

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 2, 2014
San Diego, CA
So I have a 10 gallon tank with 3 platys, 3 cories, and a few platy fry but I really want to get rid of the platys because they are very messy and I always have to worry about stock with their breeding. I want to keep my 3 cories and was thinking of maybe adding a dwarf gourami? Would it get along with my cories? Also what else would it get along with? Or maybe looking for some low bioload fish. Any ideas?
Like fishfanboy said celestial pearl danio are super cool looking, never had them but will one day. A shoal of neon tetras is cool and add a pop of color, also easy to get. My some endlers livebearers, the males have all the color and stay pretty small. I would also recommend get a couple more cories too.
Was thinking of maybe a few male guppies. How is there bioload? And can I keep 3-4 males only together?
So I was thinking 3 male guppies and keeping my 3 cories and I also have one nerite snail. How does that stock sound? Aqadvisor isn't working for me. That's what I usually use :/

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