10 Gallon tank question

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I got a female, that was a cobra tail, and breed from there. She died arfter giving birth, but all 12 fry survived, 4 males and 8 females, I just recently gave all my guppies away, 25 total, and am keeping my centerfold ones of the group, 2 females and 3 males

Sent from my iPad using Aquarium Advice
And you can keep asking questions! It's no problem. There is a lot of questions when starting up an aquarium! You just don't know them all yet because you havent started. You'll see though. Just ask away. We will all tell you the basics you need to know.
With the female that gave birth to that one male I have she died after due to me not having enough knowledge of cycling. I saved all the babies that survived me finding them the day after they were born. There was only 1 male and 4 females. I would eventually like to have all male tanks though. I can't keep having males and females. They breed like crazy.
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Another one of my male guppies in my main tank. Tried to get a better picture but it is just impossible. A picture can't do him justice
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This is another one of my male guppies. Not the first one I showed but a different one. He has more blue than red. But still very pretty. He is in my 10 gallon right now with all the babies
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And here's my 10 gallon guppy baby aquarium. I totally recommend you to get guppies though. They are pretty. After owning them though I'd love to be able to get an even larger aquarium and start up a tank with a nice big jack Dempsey in it though.
Anyone know if the top fin heaters will work in the ten gallon? And the kit filter?

Slightly newbish.

5 Gallon Betta Tank
If it's the one that comes with the tank, then yes, it will work. I used that kit when I first started the hobby, it was my first tank. I had guppies...lol

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
Alright yay I'll be able to start it soon!

Slightly newbish.

5 Gallon Betta Tank
I defiantly will lol. There's a liquidation event going on at my LFS for 75% off tanks so I might be able to swing a bigger one

Slightly newbish.

5 Gallon Betta Tank
I have one more question haha. How should I add the fish in?

Slightly newbish.

5 Gallon Betta Tank
I have one more question haha. How should I add the fish in?

Slightly newbish.

5 Gallon Betta Tank

I acclimate my fish by floating the bag in the tank for awhile, then opening it and clipping it to the rim (still floating in the tank). Then I pour a little aquarium water in it every few minutes until it is full. And I still haven't lost any fish within a month of buying them. Just don't get overexcited and add them before it's properly cycled!
I acclimate my fish by floating the bag in the tank for awhile, then opening it and clipping it to the rim (still floating in the tank). Then I pour a little aquarium water in it every few minutes until it is full. And I still haven't lost any fish within a month of buying them. Just don't get overexcited and add them before it's properly cycled!

Could a anyone tell me if they have a better way to do it?
Could a anyone tell me if they have a better way to do it?

to be honest, i dont know if im alone but for most fish i just float the back and let them free. enless its a more sensitive fish.

also it would be good to add, dont let any of the fish water into your aquarium, after acclimation just scoop the fish with a net.
to be honest, i dont know if im alone but for most fish i just float the back and let them free. enless its a more sensitive fish.

also it would be good to add, dont let any of the fish water into your aquarium, after acclimation just scoop the fish with a net.

Pouring aquarium water in also gets them used to the conditions such as hardness, ph, etc. Would I be able to pour the water out of the bag into the aquarium if it's from a LFS that I really trust? They have never given me any fish with diseases or anything.
Pouring aquarium water in also gets them used to the conditions such as hardness, ph, etc. Would I be able to pour the water out of the bag into the aquarium if it's from a LFS that I really trust? They have never given me any fish with diseases or anything.

i understand the reason i just dont find it that important enless its a sensitive fish or a saltwater fish.

and lol, if your living life on the edge, just because you dont have fish yet with diseases there no telling what diseases are in the water or what the parameters are. for example, you have a 10G we will say... your nitrates is 5ppm... the STORES nitrate in the water that the fish is in, in the bag, is 80ppm.... do you see why dumping that in would be bad...
So I could add all 10 fish at once by net and they would be okay? Then buy the snails at the same time and add them in after 2-3 days?

Slightly newbish.

5 Gallon Betta Tank
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