10 gallon

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That's looking nice, I'm ordering plants online right now, how does this list sound:

Java moss
Star grass
Crypt spiralis
Java fern windelov
Small amazon sword
Water sprite
Jungle Val

How does that sound? Any other suggestions?
Loukas42 said:
That's looking nice, I'm ordering plants online right now, how does this list sound:

Java moss
Star grass
Crypt spiralis
Java fern windelov
Small amazon sword
Water sprite
Jungle Val

How does that sound? Any other suggestions?

I think that's pretty good, if you have enough light. Be careful with that sword though, those can be SUPER tricky sonetimes.how about anubias? My favorite would have to be anubias cofefolia:) those are awesome. How about maybe a ludwigia or rotala?
So maybe no sword then? And I'll check on the other two you said.
That's a good low lighter. I tried normal anubias, it needed more than I had.
Okay sorry about the constant updates but I'm excited. New and finalized list for plants:

Jungle Val
Water sprite
Java fern windelov
Crypt spiralis
Star grass
Lidwigia repens
Rotala rotundofolia

Any words on this improved species list?
I'm sry, what are you considering?

I'd also like to know how your jungle Val does.

Not a bad list.
Loukas42 said:
That's looking nice, I'm ordering plants online right now, how does this list sound:

Java moss
Star grass
Crypt spiralis
Java fern windelov
Small amazon sword
Water sprite
Jungle Val

How does that sound? Any other suggestions?

That was a list I had come up with but then tweaked a little.

And yeah I have never kept plants before and I'm diving in head first. Done as much research as I can and now I feel I'm ready.
Loukas42 said:
Okay sorry about the constant updates but I'm excited. New and finalized list for plants:

Jungle Val
Water sprite
Java fern windelov
Crypt spiralis
Star grass
Lidwigia repens
Rotala rotundofolia

Any words on this improved species list?

My Jungle Val died it was in a dark corner. My Amazon Swords and Dwarf Chain Swords, I can't kill.

Jungle Vals get Huge ! Am. Swords can also, but mine are stunted in my gravel tank LOL. But still alive after 2 years.

Try Crypt wendtii , very easy :)

I use root caps for my Swords and Crypts also.
But yes I already ordered them. Should be here Thursday or Friday.
Well I got it set up and running. Has a little dwarf hair grass in it and last Monday I ordered plants and they still have yet to come. In upset about that cause I wanna get some shrimp but I want the plants first!!
Loukas42 said:
Well I got it set up and running. Has a little dwarf hair grass in it and last Monday I ordered plants and they still have yet to come. In upset about that cause I wanna get some shrimp but I want the plants first!!

That sucks! Have you tried calling them? I don't think the plants will arrive in good shape, that's a while for plants to be without light. I'm sure the shrimp will be fine without plants for a little while, if you really wanted too add shrimp now, you can just throw in some temporary moss:)
I have a moss ball in it and I emailed them and they said my payment is still pending which is weird cause my bank said the money was taken out the next day. So idk if their bank is real slow or what.
Received a message back saying plants sent out today should be here by Thursday at the latest! I'm excited.
Plants came in today!! Planted them. Here is a picture of them with the stock lights.

Bought some 10 Watt 50/50 bulbs. Was screwing them in and one broke :'((((. Here's what it looks like with one 50/50 bulb and one stock.

Need to get another one tomorrow :(((


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